Summary: In September 2019 members of the RealPEP research group together with radar colleagues from University Bonn combined participation of the AMS radar conference in Nara, Japan, with workshops in Shanghai and Nanjing to meet and exchange with radar and remote sensing scientists at Nanjing University (NJU), Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology (NUIST), Tsinghua University in Beijing, and the Shanghai Spaceflight Institute of TTC and Telecommunication in order to extend cooperations to Asia and exchange on RealPEP- and SPP-PROM-related scientific topics.
Background and plans:
The AMS 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology took place on 16-20 September 2019 at IRAKA - The Nara Kasugano International Forum – in Nara, Japan. A great part of researchers in RealPEP, SPP-PROM and the radar research group of University Bonn presented their research and had the opportunity to discuss their own and also learn from others presentations and discussions. Last but not least, the venue was great, located in the centre of Nara Park, which is in the centre of the ancient city of Nara. Deer freely roam around the site, which is also surrounded by many historical landmarks, including Todai-ji Temple, Kasuga-taisha Shrine and Kofuku-ji Temple.
The Chinese hosts Prof. Kun Zhao from the Nanjing University (NJU), Prof. Zhigang Chu from Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology (NUIST), and Dr. Xinxin Xie from Shanghai Spaceflight Institute of TTC and Telecommunication have been contacted and a mutual interest identified to exchange on overlapping radar research topics and discuss future collaborations.
The radar groups at NJU and NUIST have strong expertise in data quality control, Hardware/Software development, radar QPE, nowcasting, precipitation microphysics, model evaluation and radar data assimilation. Like SPP-PROM, NUIST and NJU focus on research at C-band and NJU established the Joint Center for Atmospheric Radar Research of CMA/NJU (JCARR) with the Chinese Meteorological Administration to improve operational applications.
Additionally, scientists at Shanghai Spaceflight Institute of TTC and Telecommunication and Tsinghua University in Beijing involved in the so-called sky river project asked for a colloquium talk on the use of polarimetric radars for QPE and microphysical lifecycle studies of clouds and precipitation. The sky river project, initiated by Tsinghua University and Qinghai University, will be a constellation of 6 satellites (first 2 to be launched 2020/21 with Ku band precipitation radar and passive microwave radiometer on board) aiming at hydrological cycle monitoring to improve the possibility of artificial rain to alleviate drought conditions near/in Qinghai province (Western China).
In summary, the schedule included a
• active participation at the AMS 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology Conferences
• workshop (see schedule → ) with radar scientists from NJU and NUIST in JCARR of NJU and ensuing tour through the new campus
• colloquium (see schedule → ) in Shanghai with scientists from Tsinghua University in Bejing and the Shanghai Spaceflight Institute of TTC and Telecommunication