Research stay of Yu-Ju Chen at the University of Oklahoma in 2022

I visited and worked in the national weather center in Oklahoma for five weeks from 30th October to 3rd December 2022 with the support of Prof. Alexander Ryzhkov, my host at the University of Oklahoma and DFG Mercator Fellow in RealPEP. Since my work was about to optimize, adapt and transform the QPE algorithm developed under the lead of Prof. Ryzhkov for S band to the DWD C-band radars, I could easily reach him and discuss the potential solutions for critical points, especially aiming at C-band radar during my stay. Even though I was almost finishing my PhD and spent only a few weeks at the University of Oklahoma, I met a lot of research scientists who are working in similar topics as I do. The exchange of our academic experiences, results, and ideas was very fruitful. Two days before I left, I gave a seminar showing what I have been doing during the last four years, and emphasized the importance of the collaboration between the radar group from Bonn (as well as DWD) and the working group of Prof. Ryzkhov.
