The RealPEP Online Conference “Precipitation and Flash Flood Prediction from
Minutes to Days” took place on October 5-7, 2020


Flash floods in small to meso-scale catchments and intense precipitation over cities from severe local storms pose increasing threats to our society. For the timely prediction of such events, the value of high-resolution and high-quality quantitative precipitation estimation and corresponding forecasts cannot be overrated.
Seamless predictions harmonizing nowcasting and NWP across forecast lead times from minutes to days would greatly help to improve the value and efficiency of warnings. We address recent ideas and achievements along the process chain from quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE), observation-based nowcasting (QPN), combination of nowcasting with NWP and flash-flood pre-diction (FFP). Area-covering and high-resolution polarimetric weather radar observations current-ly provide core information for QPE/QPN like precipitation intensity, hydrometeor types, and wind gusts augmented with satellite and lightning observations.
With the perspective to enable/improve seamless predictions of surface precipitation and flash floods from the time of observation to days ahead, potential topics of this session are advances in quantitative high-resolution precipitation retrieval including promising sensor synergies, advances in nowcasting including life cycle information from radar and satellite observations, advances in NWP data assimilation for short-term forecasts, concepts for merging observation-based QPN with NWP, and concepts to transfer the uncertain precipitation estimates over the forecast range into river runoff and flash-flood predictions.

Your RealPEP Online Conference 2020 Organizing Committee
Silke Troemel, Christian Chwala, Julius Polz, Thomas Poméon, Cintia Carbajal Henken, Ricardo Reinoso Rondinel, Elisabeth Bauernschubert, Clemens Simmer, Roland Potthast

Recorded talks

Session 1: Towards seamless prediction

Session 2: Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE)

Session 3: Quantitative Precipitation Nowcasting (QPN)

Session 4: Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP)

Session 5: Flash Flood Prediction

Conference Format
The RealPEP online conference 2020 has been carried out using the German Research Network DFN. The talks had been streamed, while discussions took place in a range of targeted discussion rooms, moderated by the RealPEP research group principle investigators and research scientists.

German Research Foundation (DFG) Research Group RealPEP
RealPEP is a German Research Foundation funded Research Group with members from the University of Bonn, Research Center Jülich, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Freie Universität Berlin and DWD as main partners. It is closely linked to DWD activities of the SINFONY project with 25 scientists working on the con-vergence of nowcasting and NWP. Main Topics are Precipitation and Flood Estimation and Fore-casting from Minutes to Days.