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internal:meetings [2024/09/05 20:05] ayushinternal:meetings [2024/11/19 17:51] (current) ayush
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 <fs 125%>Thursday</fs> <fs 125%>Thursday</fs>
 \\ \\
-| 9:00-9:10 am | Welcome | | | +| 9:00-9:10 am | Welcome | | | 
-| 9:10-9:30 am | PICCNICC | Heike Kalesse, Patric Seifert, Johannes Quaas | Polarimetry Influenced by CCN and INP in Cyprus and Chile: \\ An assessment of hemispheric cloud polarimetry contrasts \\ and its relation to differences in aerosol load \\ PhD: Teresa Vogl, Audrey Teisseire | +| 9:10-9:30 am | PICCNICC | Heike Kalesse, Patric Seifert, Johannes Quaas | Polarimetry Influenced by CCN and INP in Cyprus and Chile: \\ An assessment of hemispheric cloud polarimetry contrasts \\ and its relation to differences in aerosol load \\ PhD: Teresa Vogl, Audrey Teisseire | {{internal:uploads:all_hands_oct2020:15oct2020:20201015-prom-picnicc_final.pdf|PICCNICC Presentation}} 
-| 9:30-9:50 am | REDPOL | Tijana Janjic Pfander, Axel Seifert, Daniel Klocke | Representing model error and observation error uncertainty \\ for data assimilation of polarimetric radar measurements \\ PostDoc: Yuefei Zeng \\ PhD student: Florian Semrau | +| 9:30-9:50 am | REDPOL | Tijana Janjic Pfander, Axel Seifert, Daniel Klocke | Representing model error and observation error uncertainty \\ for data assimilation of polarimetric radar measurements \\ PostDoc: Yuefei Zeng \\ PhD student: Florian Semrau 
-| 9:50-10:10 am | Discussions | | | +| 9:50-10:10 am | Discussions | | | 
-| 10:10-10:30 am | Break | | | +| 10:10-10:30 am | Break | | | 
-| 10:30-10:50 am | IMPRINT | Stefan Kneifel, Axel Seifert | Understanding ice microphysical processes using \\ multi-frequency radar polarimetry and super-particle modeling \\ PhD: Leonie von Terzi, Jan-Niklas Welss | +| 10:30-10:50 am | IMPRINT | Stefan Kneifel, Axel Seifert | Understanding ice microphysical processes using \\ multi-frequency radar polarimetry and super-particle modeling \\ PhD: Leonie von Terzi, Jan-Niklas Welss | {{internal:uploads:all_hands_oct2020:15oct2020:prom_meeting_2020_imprint_koeln_v2.pdf|IMPRINT Presentation}} \\ {{internal:uploads:all_hands_oct2020:15oct2020:welss_prom_october20.odp|IMPRINT Presentation}} 
-| 10:50-11:10 am | POLICE | Silke Trömel, Clemens Simmer, Christiane Voigt | Polarimetric signatures of ice microphysical processes \\ and their interpretation using in-situ observations \\ and cloud modeling \\ PhD: Manuel Moser, Armin Blanke | +| 10:50-11:10 am | POLICE | Silke Trömel, Clemens Simmer, Christiane Voigt | Polarimetric signatures of ice microphysical processes \\ and their interpretation using in-situ observations \\ and cloud modeling \\ PhD: Manuel Moser, Armin Blanke | {{internal:uploads:all_hands_oct2020:15oct2020:20201015_moser_police.pdf|POLICE Moser}} \\ {{internal:uploads:all_hands_oct2020:15oct2020:police_ablanke_prom_20201015.pdf|POLICE Abanke}} 
-| 11:10-11:20 am | Data Portal | Kathleen Helmert | Web-based radar data portal for the access \\ of archived radar data \\ PostDoc: Hella Riede | +| 11:10-11:20 am | Data Portal | Kathleen Helmert | Web-based radar data portal for the access \\ of archived radar data \\ PostDoc: Hella Riede | {{internal:uploads:all_hands_oct2020:15oct2020:20201015_hriede_radardatenportal_prom.pdf|Data Portal Presentation}} 
-| 11:20-11:50 am | Discussions | | | +| 11:20-11:50 am | Discussions | | | 
-| 11:50-1:00 pm | Lunch break | | | +| 11:50-1:00 pm | Lunch break | | | 
-| 1:00-1:20 pm | Operation Hydrometeors | Silke Trömel, Clemens Simmer, Ulrich Blahak | An efficient volume scan polarimetric radar forward operator \\ to improve the representation of hydrometeors \\ in the COSMO model \\ PhD: Jana Mendrok, Velibor Pejcic | +| 1:00-1:20 pm | Operation Hydrometeors | Silke Trömel, Clemens Simmer, Ulrich Blahak | An efficient volume scan polarimetric radar forward operator \\ to improve the representation of hydrometeors \\ in the COSMO model \\ PhD: Jana Mendrok, Velibor Pejcic | {{internal:uploads:all_hands_oct2020:15oct2020:operationhydrometeors_vpejcic_prom_15102020.pdf|Operation Hydrometeors Presentation}} 
-| 1:20-1:40 pm | Discussions | | |+| 1:20-1:40 pm | Discussions | | |
 \\ \\
 <fs 125%>Friday</fs> <fs 125%>Friday</fs>
 \\ \\
-| 9:00-9:10 am | Convective Storms | Andrew Barrett | Evaluating and Improving Convection-Permitting Simulations \\ of the Life Cycle of Convective Storms using \\ Polarimetric Radar Data | +| 9:00-9:10 am | Convective Storms | Andrew Barrett | Evaluating and Improving Convection-Permitting Simulations \\ of the Life Cycle of Convective Storms using \\ Polarimetric Radar Data 
-| 9:10-9:30 am | IcePolCKa | Martin Hagen, Tobias Zinner | Investigation of the initiation of convection \\ and the evolution of precipitation using simulations \\ and polarimetric radar observations \\ at C- and Ka-band \\ PhD: Gregor Müller, Eleni Tetoni | +| 9:10-9:30 am | IcePolCKa | Martin Hagen, Tobias Zinner | Investigation of the initiation of convection \\ and the evolution of precipitation using simulations \\ and polarimetric radar observations \\ at C- and Ka-band \\ PhD: Gregor Müller, Eleni Tetoni | {{internal:uploads:all_hands_oct2020:16oct2020:moeller_gregor_icepolcka_prom2020.pdf|IcePolCKa Gregor Müller}} \\ {{internal:uploads:all_hands_oct2020:16oct2020:tetoni_icepolcka_prom_meeting_october2020_final.pdf|IcePolCKa Eleni Tetoni}} 
-| 9:30-9:50 am | SPOCC | Patric Seifert, Oswald Knoth | Spectrally resolved Polarimetric Observation \\ and Computation of Clouds: \\ Toward the retrieval of hydrometeor ratios \\ during onset of precipitation \\ PhD: Fabian Senf, Majid Hajipour | +| 9:30-9:50 am | SPOCC | Patric Seifert, Oswald Knoth | Spectrally resolved Polarimetric Observation \\ and Computation of Clouds: \\ Toward the retrieval of hydrometeor ratios \\ during onset of precipitation \\ PhD: Fabian Senf, Majid Hajipour | {{internal:uploads:all_hands_oct2020:16oct2020:20201016_prom_spocc_final.pdf|SPOCC Presentation}} 
-| 9:50-10:10 am | Discussions | | | +| 9:50-10:10 am | Discussions | | | 
-| 10:10-10:30 am | Break | | | +| 10:10-10:30 am | Break | | | 
-| 10:30-10:40 am | Weather Radar | Stefano Turso | A Low-cost Mechanically-Steered \\ Phased-Array Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar | +| 10:30-10:40 am | Weather Radar | Stefano Turso | A Low-cost Mechanically-Steered \\ Phased-Array Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar | {{internal:uploads:all_hands_oct2020:16oct2020:prom_project_presentation_gergely_2020.pdf|Weather Radar Presentation}} 
-| 10:40-11:00 am | PARA | Johannes Quaas, Silke Trömel | Climate model PArameterizations \\ informed by RAdar \\ PhD: Sabine Hörnig, Nikolaos Papaevangelou | +| 10:40-11:00 am | PARA | Johannes Quaas, Silke Trömel | Climate model PArameterizations \\ informed by RAdar \\ PhD: Sabine Hörnig, Nikolaos Papaevangelou | {{internal:uploads:all_hands_oct2020:16oct2020:nikos_papaevangelou_para_16_10_2020.pdf|PARA Presentation}} 
-| 11:00-11:10 am | MRR | Michael Frech | A seamless profile of the precipitation process \\ of mixed-phased clouds employing data \\ from a polarimetric C-band radar, \\ a microrain radar (MRR) and disdrometers \\ PostDoc: Mathias Gergely | +| 11:00-11:10 am | MRR | Michael Frech | A seamless profile of the precipitation process \\ of mixed-phased clouds employing data \\ from a polarimetric C-band radar, \\ a microrain radar (MRR) and disdrometers \\ PostDoc: Mathias Gergely | {{internal:uploads:all_hands_oct2020:16oct2020:prom_project_presentation_gergely_2020.pdf|MRR Presentation}} 
-| 11:10-11:20 am | ILACPR | Prabhakar Shrestha | Investigating the impact of Land-use and land-cover change \\ on Aerosol-Cloud-precipitation interactions \\ using Polarimetric Radar retrievals | +| 11:10-11:20 am | ILACPR | Prabhakar Shrestha | Investigating the impact of Land-use and land-cover change \\ on Aerosol-Cloud-precipitation interactions \\ using Polarimetric Radar retrievals 
-| 11:20-11:50 am | Discussions | | | +| 11:20-11:50 am | Discussions | | | 
-| 11:50-1:00 pm | Lunch Break | | | +| 11:50-1:00 pm | Lunch Break | | | 
-| 1:00-3:00 pm | Breakout sessions | | Different Zoom rooms for topics like Forward Operator, outreach, \\ BAMS Paper, joint work/collaborations/interactions, \\ ICON cloud/precipitation processes assessed |+| 1:00-3:00 pm | Breakout sessions | | Different Zoom rooms for topics like Forward Operator, outreach, \\ BAMS Paper, joint work/collaborations/interactions, \\ ICON cloud/precipitation processes assessed |
 \\ \\
 **End of the meeting** **End of the meeting**
 </pane> </pane>
  • internal/meetings.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/11/19 17:51
  • by ayush