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projects:corsipp [2024/12/30 13:23] ayushprojects:corsipp [2025/01/03 11:27] (current) kathrin
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   - What are the external forcing factors in complex terrain?   - What are the external forcing factors in complex terrain?
-The project focuses on secondary ice production (SIP), especially in connection with riming processes, and analyses the influence of turbulence and frontal systems. +The project focuses on secondary ice production (SIP), especially in connection with riming processes, and analyses the influence of turbulence and frontal systems. For that purpose, a scanning W-band cloud radar and a novel video in situ snowfall sensor gathered extensive data for the entire winter season 2022-2023 in the Colorado Rocky Mountains as part of the SAIL campaign (Surface Atmosphere Integrated Field Laboratory: An overview of the field campaign is given in the Multimedia PageFlow created by the communication department of Leipzig University (
- +
-For that purpose, a scanning W-band cloud radar and a novel video in situ snowfall sensor gathered extensive data for the entire winter season 2022-2023 in the Colorado Rocky Mountains as part of the SAIL campaign (Surface Atmosphere Integrated Field Laboratory: An overview of the field campaign is given in the Multimedia PageFlow created by the communication department of Leipzig University (
 By simultaneously measuring snowfall with a Video In-Situ Snowfall Sensor (VISSS, Maahn et al., 2024a) and a 94 GHz dual-polarimetric W-band cloud radar (LIMRAD94, Küchler et al., 2017) direct information on the shape and size of individual snow particles is obtained and enables to derive particle size distributions and polarimetric quantities for the volume observed. The synergistic use of the two instruments and the forward operator PAMTRA allows us to answer the aforementioned key questions of the CORSIPP project. By simultaneously measuring snowfall with a Video In-Situ Snowfall Sensor (VISSS, Maahn et al., 2024a) and a 94 GHz dual-polarimetric W-band cloud radar (LIMRAD94, Küchler et al., 2017) direct information on the shape and size of individual snow particles is obtained and enables to derive particle size distributions and polarimetric quantities for the volume observed. The synergistic use of the two instruments and the forward operator PAMTRA allows us to answer the aforementioned key questions of the CORSIPP project.
  • projects/corsipp.txt
  • Last modified: 2025/01/03 11:27
  • by kathrin