PrePEP Conference
Brings together scientists contributing with new approaches to improve the monitoring, understanding, nowcasting, and prediction of precipitation processes.
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PROM All-Hands Meeting 2024
The PROM All-Hands Meeting 2024 took place in Leipzig on July 24-26 2024.

In the PROM sub-project CORSIPP, scientists from the University of Leipzig are exploring the orographically influenced riming of snow particles, the associated secondary ice production and its effects on precipitation rates.
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SPP PROM All-Hands Meeting
The last PROM all-hands meeting took place in Kiel on 17-19 July 2023.

Doppler spectra derived from new operational C-band birdbath scan indicating simultaneously occurring fast-falling rimed snow (mode 1) and slower-falling more pristine snow particles (mode 2).

First TRIPEx-pol measurement campaign combining triple-frequency radar, Doppler spectra, and polarimetry took place in winter 2018/19 in Jülich close to Cologne.

In addition to the dominant hydrometeor type, polarimetry allows to derive hydrometeor partitioning ratios, defined as the relative mass contribution of a specific hydrometeor type.

Colocated radar and airborne in-situ measurements enable us to determine the accuracy of polarimetric microphysical retrievals. Recently developed ice water content retrievals show high correlation (0.96) and low RMSE=0.19g/m³.

Surface pressure tendency in nature run (left), after assimilation of radial wind and radar reflectivity with LETKF (middle) and with new integrated mass-flux adjustment filter (right).

Phased-array Radar
Radiation diagram (3D) and cross-polar discrimination (projected) of a 4 by 4 sub-array tile of the forerunner phased-array weather radar prototype. Simulated (left) and measured results (right) at 45° scan angle.

Ice (top) and snow contributions (bottom) to Quasi-Vertical-Profiles of reflectivity derived from BoXPol measurements assuming an exponential distribution.

Simulated (left) and observed (right) cross-sections of differential reflectivity (ZDR) for a summertime convective storm on 5 July 2015.

Combined observations from C-band and Ka-band radars (POLDIRAD and miraMACS) allow to constrain the shape and size of aggregating snow particles.

Retrievals of riming based on vertically-pointing 94 GHz cloud radar Doppler spectra observations and 35 GHz SLDR observations during PICNICC in Punta Arenas, Sep 11, 2019.