
This is an old revision of the document!

(Co-)organized sessions at conferences are marked in red.

Gergely, M., P. Ockenfuß, S. Kneifel, and M. Frech, 2024: Postprocessing methods to characterize multimodal precipitation in Doppler spectra from DWD’s C-band radar birdbath scan. 12th European conference on RADar in meteorology and hydrology (ERAD 2024). Book of Extended Abstracts, Editors: Baldini, L., M. Montopoli, E. Adirosi, A. Bracci, F. Napolitano, and N. Pierdicca, Citta Universitaria Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, p. 62–66,

Gergely, M., F. Seeger, and M. Frech, 2024: Exploiting DWD's operational C-band radar birdbath scan for quantifying hail characteristics. 4th European Hail Workshop, 5 - 7 March 2024, Karlsruhe, Germany, oral.

Gergely, M., P. Ockenfuß, M. Schaper, S. Kneifel, M. Frech, 2024: Postprocessing methods to characterize multimodal precipitation in Doppler spectra from DWD's C-band radar birdbath scan, 12th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD 2024), 9 – 13 September 2024, Rome, Italy, oral.

Gergely, M., P. Ockenfuß, S. Kneifel, M. Frech, 2024: Atmospheric Profiling of Precipitation in Extreme Weather with Vertically-Pointing Birdbath Scans from the German C-band Radar Network. International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, 14 - 19 July 2024, Jeju, South Korea.

Heske, C., F. Ewald, G. Köcher, T. Zinner, S. Groß, 2024: Augmenting the German Weather Radar Network with Vertically Pointing Cloud Radars: Implications of Resolution and Attenuation, International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, 14 – 19 July 2024, Jeju, South Korea, poster.

Ockenfuß, P., S. Kneifel, M. Gergely, M. Frech, 2024: Spatial and Temporal Scales of Riming Events Derived from Long-term Cloud Radar Observations in Germany. International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, 14 – 19 July 2024, Jeju, South Korea.

Ockenfuß, P., M. Gergely, S. Kneifel, M.Frech, 2024: Comparison of Vertically Pointing Ka-Band and C-Band Radar Observations for the Characterization of Riming Events. 12th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), 9 – 13 September 2024, Rome, Italy.

(Co-)organized sessions at conferences are marked in red.

Ettrichrätz, V., A. Kötsche, N. Maherndl, H. Kalesse-Los, M. Maahn, 2023: Complexity of Snowflakes - A Case Study of the Benefits of Synergy between a snowfall camera VISSS, 94 GHz Radar, and PAMTRA. 4th International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 11 – 13 September 2023, Leipzig, Germany, oral.

Ettrichrätz, V., A. Kötsche, N. Maherndl, H. Kalesse-Los, M. Maahn, 2023: Complexity of Snowflakes - A Case Study of the Benefits of Synergy between a snowfall camera VISSS, 94 GHz Radar, and PAMTRA, Workshop Clouds Containing Ice particles, 23 - 26 July 2023, Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, poster.

Gergely, M., M. Schaper, and M. Frech, 2023: Multimodal snowfall features in C-band radar Doppler spectra. 4th International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 11 – 13 September 2023, Leipzig, Germany.

Gergely, M., F. Seeger, and M. Frech, 2023: Retrieving the hail size distribution from C-band radar Doppler spectra. 40th Conference on Radar Meteorology, 28 August – 1 September 2023, Minneapolis, USA, virtual poster session.

Grzegorczyk, P., S. Yadav, F. Zanger, A. Theis, S.K. Mitra, M. Szakáll, 2023: Fragmentation of ice particle by collisions: Experimental setups and preliminary results for graupel and snowflakes, 28th IUGG General Assembly 2023, 11 - 20 July 2023, Berlin, Germany, poster,

Hajipour, M. and P. Seifert, 2023: Observing the Vertical Distribution of the Hydrometeor Mix with Ground-Based Scanning Polarimetric Cloud Radar. 28th IUGG General Assembly 2023, 11 - 20 July 2023, Berlin, Germany.

Hajipour, M. and P. Seifert, 2023: Observing the Vertical Distribution of the Hydrometeor Mix with Ground-Based Scanning Polarimetric Cloud Radar. 40th AMS Conference on Radar Meteorology, 28 August – 1 September 2023, Minneapolis, USA.

Heske, C., F. Ewald, G. Köcher, T. Zinner, B. Mayer and S. Groß, 2023: Augmenting the German weather radar network with vertically pointing cloud radars: implications of resolution and attenuation. 4th International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 11 – 13 September 2023, Leipzig, Germany.

Khosravian, K., 2023: Assimilation of Radar data in ICON-LAM/SINFONY-RUC, ICCARUS 2023, 6 - 8 March 2023, Offenbach, Germany, oral.

Khosravian, K., 2023: Assimilation of 3D radar information at convective scales at Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), 9th International Symposium on Data Assimilation, ISDA 2023, 16 - 20 October 2023, Bologna, Italy, oral.

Khosravian, K., 2023: Assimilation von 3D Radarreflektivitätsdaten in ICON-LAM/SINFONY-RUC, SINFONY-Forschungstagung, 5 - 8 December 2023, Offenbach, Germany 2023, oral

Kötsche A., V. Ettrichrätz, H. Kalesse-Los, M. Maahn, 2023: First observations of a polarimetric W-Band radar and the VISSS snowfall camera during the 2022/23 winter season in the Rocky Mountains. 4th International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 11 - 13 September 2023, Leipzig, Germany, poster.

Lee, J., P. Seifert, T. Hashino, 2023: Numerical evidence that the impact of CCN and INP concentrations on mixed-phase clouds is observable with cloud radars. 28th IUGG General Assembly 2023, 11 - 20 July 2023, Berlin, Germany.

Lee, J., P. Seifert, T. Hashino, 2023: A spectral-bin model setup for simulation of aerosol impacts on mixed-phase cloud evolution and its footprint in radar observations. 4th International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 11 - 13 September 2023, Leipzig, Germany.

Mendrok, J., S. Dutta, P. Shrestha, V. Pejcic, T. Scharbach, S. Trömel, U. Blahak and D. Ori, 2023: The EMVORADO Radar Operator and Its Application for Model Evaluation: Improving Polarimetric Radar Simulations with Realistic Ice and Snow Properties. 40th AMS Conference on Radar Meteorology, 28 August – 1 September 2023, Minneapolis, USA, oral.

Mendrok, J. and U. Blahak, 2023: The ICON/COSMO polarimetric radar forward operator EMVORADO and its application for model evaluation. ICCARUS 2023, 6 – 9 March 2023, Offenbach, Germany, oral.

Ockenfuß, P., S. Kneifel, M. Gergely, and M. Frech, 2023: Spatial Dimension and Duration of Riming Events Determined from Ground-Based Cloud Radar Observations in Western Germany, AMS 40th Conference on Radar Meteorology, 28 August – 1 September 2023, Minneapolis, USA, poster.

Ockenfuß, P., S. Kneifel, M. Gergely, and M. Frech, 2023: Long-term Statistics of the Spatio-Temporal Dimensions of Riming in Non-convective Clouds. 40th Conference on Radar Meteorology, 28 August – 1 September 2023, Minneapolis, USA. virtual poster session.

Ockenfuß, P., 2023: Exploring spatial scales and favorable conditions of riming using long-term cloud radar observations, 4th International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 11 - 13 September 2023, Leipzig, Germany, oral.

Ohneiser, K., P. Seifert, P. Gaudek, F. Senf, W. Schimmel, J. Henneberger, F. Ramelli, R. Spirig, H. Zhang, A. Miller, N. Omanovic, C. Fuchs, U. Lohmann, 2023: PolarCAP: Remote sensing and modelling of cloud microphysical processes in thermodynamically and aerosol-constrained super-cooled stratus clouds. IUGG General Assembly 2023, 11 - 20 July 2023, Berlin, Germany, oral.

Ohneiser, K., P. Seifert, P. Gaudek, F. Senf, W. Schimmel, J. Henneberger, F. Ramelli, R. Spirig, H. Zhang, A. Miller, N. Omanovic, C. Fuchs, U. Lohmann, 2023: PolarCAP: Remote sensing and modelling of cloud microphysical processes in thermodynamically and aerosol-constrained super-cooled stratus clouds. Bureau of Meteorology Melbourne, 21 June 2023, Melbourne, Australia.

Ohneiser, K., P. Seifert, P. Gaudek, F. Senf, W. Schimmel, J. Henneberger, F. Ramelli, R. Spirig, H. Zhang, A. Miller, N. Omanovic, C. Fuchs, U. Lohmann, 2023: Remote sensing of cloud microphysical perturbations in super-cooled stratus clouds. ICNAA 2023 Brisbane 26 - 30 June 2023, Brisbane, Australia, poster.

Scharbach, T. and S. Trömel, 2023: A Comparative Analysis of a 5-Year Statistic of Polarimetric X-Band Radar Data with ICON Simulations. 40th AMS Conference on Radar Meteorology, 28 August – 1 September 2023, Minneapolis, USA, oral.

Seifert, A. , C. Siewert, 2023: An ML-based P3-like two-moment mixed-phase bulk microphysics scheme in the ICON model, 28th IUGG General Assembly 2023, 11 - 20 July 2023, Berlin, Germany, oral.

Soumi, D., D. Ori, J. Mendrok and U. Blahak, 2023: Simulating Realistic Ice and Snow Scattering Properties for the ICON Model's Radar Forward Operator EMVORADO. 4th International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 11 - 13 September 2023, Leipzig, Germany.

Szakáll, M., 2023: Laboratory investigation of the fragmentation of ice particles due to collison, 4th International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 11 - 13. September 2023, Leipzig, Germany, oral.

Szakáll, M., 2023: Wind tunnel studies on microphysical processes in mixed phase clouds. Workshop Clouds containing Ice Particles, 24 - 26. July 2023, Johannes-Gutenberg University (JGU) Mainz, Germany, invited talk.

Teisseire, A., W. Schimmel and P. Seifert, 2023: Identification of riming and aggregation processes by combining scanning and spectrally resolved polarimetric Doppler cloud radar observations. 4th International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 11 – 13 September 2023, Leipzig, Germany.

Teisseire, A., W. Schimmel and P. Seifert, 2023: Identification of riming and aggregation processes by combining scanning and spectrally resolved polarimetric Doppler cloud radar observations. 28th IUGG General Assembly 2023, 11 - 20 July 2023, Berlin, Germany.

Trömel, S., 2023: Polarimetric Radar Observations Meet Atmospheric Modelling (PROM) - A Research Initiative in Germany. 40th AMS Conference on Radar Meteorology, 28 August – 01 September 2023, Minneapolis, USA, oral.

Vogl, T., M. Radenz and H. Kalesse-Los, 2023: A toolkit for detecting and analyzing peaks in cloud radar Doppler spectra. 4th International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 11 – 13 September 2023, Leipzig, Germany.

von Terzi, L., C, Siewert, A. Seifert, S. Kneifel, 2023: Ice microphysical processes in the dendritic growth layer: Can we close current knowledge gaps by combining novel cloud radar observations with Lagrangian Monte-Carlo particle modeling? Workshop Clouds containing ice particles, 23 – 26 July 2023, Mainz, Germany.

von Terzi, L., C, Siewert, A. Seifert, S. Kneifel, 2023: Ice microphysical processes in the dendritic growth layer: Can we close current knowledge gaps by combining novel cloud radar observations with Lagrangian Monte-Carlo particle modeling? 4th International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 11 – 13 September 2023, Leipzig, Germany.

Welß, J.-N. , C. Siewert, A. Seifert, 2023: On the numerical simulation of ice particle habits using a super-particle approach, 28th IUGG General Assembly 2023, 11 - 20 July 2023, Berlin, Germany, oral.

(Co-)organized sessions at conferences are marked in red.

Amezcua, J., A. Carassi, T. Janjic, and O. Talagrand, 2022: Inverse problems, Predictability, and Uncertainty Quantification in Geosciences using data assimilation and its combination with machine learning. Session at the EGU General Assembly, 3 April – 8 April 2022, Vienna, Austria,

Blanke, A., M. Moser, A. J. Heymsfield, C. Voigt, and S. Trömel, 2022: Evaluation of State-of-the-Art Polarimetry-Based Ice Microphysical Retrievals using OLYMPEX Campaign Data. 102nd AMS Annual Meeting, 23–27 January 2022, Houston, Texas, digital.

Blanke, A., A. J. Heymsfield , M. Moser, and S. Trömel, 2022: Evaluation of state-of-the-art polarimetric ice microphysical retrievals exploiting ground based radar and airborne in-situ measurements. EGU General Assembly, 23–27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria. Short Oral.

Blanke, A., A. J. Heymsfield , M. Moser, C. Voigt, and S. Trömel, 2022: Evaluation of state-of-the-art polarimetry-based ice microphysical retrievals using ground-based radar and in-situ airborne measurements. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), 29 August – 2 September 2022, Locarno, Switzerland.

Blanke, A., A. J. Heymsfield , M. Moser, C. Voigt, and S. Trömel, 2022: Evaluation of radar polarimetric ice microphysical retrievals using in-situ aircraft measurements from the OLYMPEX campaign. EMS Annual Meeting, 4–9 September 2022, Bonn, Germany.

Feng, Y., T. Janjic, Y. Zeng, A. Seifert and J. Min, 2022: Representing Microphysical Uncertainty in Convective-Scale Data Assimilation Using Additive Noise, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022,

Gergely, M., M. Schaper, F. Seeger, and M. Frech, 2022: View inside a Hail Supercell over Southern Germany using C-band Radar Doppler Spectra. 2022 North American Workshop on Hail and Hailstorms, 20–22 September 2022, Boulder (CO), USA.

Gergely, M., M. Schaper, M. Toussaint, and M. Frech, 2022: Novel DWD operational birdbath scans for meteorological analysis. 4th European Nowcasting Conference, 21–25 March 2022, online.

Janjic, T and Y. Zeng, 2022: Weakly Constrained LETKF for Convective-Scale Data Assimilation. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-4841,

Kalesse-Los, H., M. Maahn, A. Kötsche, and I. Steinke, 2022: Characterization of orography-influenced riming and secondary ice production and their effects on precipitation rates using radar polarimetry and Doppler spectra (CORSIPP). 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), 29 August – 2 September 2022, Locarno, Switzerland.

Kalesse-Los, H., M. Maahn, A. Kötsche, I. Steinke, 2022: Studying Orography-Influenced Riming and Secondary Ice Production and Their Effects on Precipitation Rates Using Radar Polarimetry and Radar Doppler Spectra. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), 29 August – 2 September 2022, Locarno, Switzerland. (Session ORO.P3), oral.

Köcher, G., F. Ewald, M. Hagen, C. Knote, E. Tetoni, and T. Zinner, 2022: Evaluation of convective cloud microphysics in numerical weather prediction models with dual-wavelength polarimetric radar observations, DACH2022, Leipzig, Deutschland, 21–25 March 2022, DACH2022-281,

Köcher, G., F. Ewald, M. Hagen, C. Knote, E. Tetoni, and T. Zinner, 2022: Evaluation of convective cloud microphysics in numerical weather prediction models with dual-wavelength polarimetric radar observations. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022,, short oral.

Köcher, G., T. Zinner, C. Knote, E. Tetoni, F. Ewald, M. Hagen and B. Mayer, 2022: Convective cloud microphysics in numerical weather prediction models and dual-wavelength polarimetric radar observations. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), 29 August – 2 September 2022, Locarno, Switzerland, poster.

Mendrok, J., and U. Blahak, 2022: Recent developments in the ICON/COSMO radar forward operator EMVORADO. ICCARUS 2022, 7–9 March 2022, online, oral.

Mendrok, J., P. Shrestha, V. Pejcic, J. Carlin, J. Snyder, S. Trömel, U. Blahak, 2022: The ICON/COSMO polarimetric radar forward operator EMVORADO and its application for model evaluation. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), 29 August – 2 September 2022, Locarno, Switzerland, poster.

Mendrok, J., J. Carlin, J. Snyder, S. Trömel, P. Shrestha, and U. Blahak, 2022: An efficient polarimetric radar forward operator for NWP model validation and data assimilation. EGU General Assembly 2022, 23–27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria, short oral,

Pejcic, V., J. Mendrok, U. Blahak and S. Trömel, 2022: Polarimetry-based hydrometeor classification from synthetic and measured radar observations for the evaluation of hydrometeor mixtures in numerical weather prediction models. EGU General Assembly 2022, 23–27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria, short oral,

Pejcic, V., J. Mendrok, U. Blahak and S. Trömel, 2022: Polarimetry-based hydrometeor classification from synthetic and measured radar observations for the evaluation of hydrometeor mixtures in numerical weather prediction models. Poster presentation at the 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), 29 August – 2 September 2022, Locarno, Switzerland.

Pejcic, V., J. Soderholm, K. Mühlbauer, V. Louf, and S. Trömel, 2022: Open Access to Five Years of Calibrated Measurements of the Polarimetric X-band Weather Radar in Bonn (BoXPol). EMS Annual Meeting, 4–9 September 2022, Bonn, Germany.

Pejcic, V., K. Mühlbauer, S. Trömel, 2022: A new Dual-Frequency-based Hydrometeor Classification Approach for the Global Precipitation Measurements Core-Satellite. Poster presentation at the 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), 29 August – 2 September 2022, Locarno, Switzerland.

Scharbach, T., and S. Trömel, 2022: Polarimetric retrievals of ice water content (IWC), total number concentration (Nt) and mean volume diameter (Dm) for improved parametrizations. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), 29 August – 2 September 2022, Locarno, Switzerland.

Scharbach, T., and S. Trömel, 2022: Radar-derived variability of ice water content (IWC), total number concentration (Nt), and mean volume diameter (Dm) for improved parameterizations. EMS Annual Meeting, 4–9 September 2022, Bonn, Germany.

Scharbach, T., and S. Trömel, 2022: Variabilities of ice water content for improved parametrizations using polarimetric retrievals. 102nd AMS Annual Meeting, 23 – 27 January 2022, Houston, Texas, digital.

Scharbach, T., and S. Trömel, 2022: Variabilities of ice water content, total number concentration and mean volume diameter for improved parametrizations using polarimetric retrievals. EGU General Assembly, 23–27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria. Short Oral.

Shrestha, P., J. Mendrok, V. Pejcic, S. Trömel, U. Blahak and J. Carlin, 2022: Evaluation of the COSMO model in polarimetric radar space – impact of uncertainties in model microphysics, retrievals and forward operators. EGU General Assembly, 23–27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria. short oral,

Steinke. I, A. Kötsche, M. Maahn, and H. Kalesse-Los 2022: Characterization of orography-influenced riming and secondary ice production and their effects on precipitation rates using radar polarimetry and Doppler spectra (CORSIPP). AGU Fall Meeting, 12–16 December 2022, Chicago, USA and online, oral.

Tetoni, E., F. Ewald, M. Hagen, G. Köcher, T. Zinner, B. Mayer S. and Groß, 2022: Ice microphysics retrievals using polarimetric and dual-wavelength radar data – a sensitivity study regarding the assumed ice particle model. EGU General Assembly 2022, 23–27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria, short oral,

Tetoni, E., F. Ewald, M. Hagen, G. Köcher, T. Zinner, B. Mayer S. and Groß, 2022: Retrieval of ice microphysics using polarimetric and dual-wavelength radar observations – a sensitivity study. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), 29 August – 2 September 2022, Locarno, Switzerland, poster.

Trömel, S., U. Blahak, H. Kalesse-Los, J. Mendrok, M. Radenz, P. Seifert and T. Vogl, 2022: Polarimetric microphysical fingerprints in observations and Numerical Weather Prediction Model. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD) 28 August 2022, Locarno, Switzerland, ERAD Academy Short Course.

Trömel, S., J. Quaas, S. Kneifel, J. Mendrok and A. Barrett, 2022: Fusion of polarimetric radar observations, atmospheric modelling, and data assimilation for improved cloud and precipitation process understanding, model evaluation and parameterization development. Session at the EGU General Assembly, 23–27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria.

Vogl, T., M. Radenz and H. Kalesse-Los, 2022: Advanced open-source tools for detecting and analyzing peaks in cloud radar Doppler spectra. D-A-CH Meteorologie Tagung, 21–25 March 2022, Leipzig, Germany,

von Terzi, L., S. Kneifel and J. Dias-Neto, 2022: Aggregation in the Dendritic Growth Zone: A statistical analysis combining multi-frequency Doppler and polarimetric Doppler cloud radar observations. EGU General Assembly, 23 May – 27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria. short oral,

Welß, J.-N., L. von Terzi, S. Kneifel, A. Seifert and C. Siewert, 2022: Exploring the origin of increasing ice particle number in the dendritic growth zone combining polarimetric radar observations and novel Lagrangian particle modeling. EGU General Assembly, 23–27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria. short oral,

Vukicevic, T., T. Janjic, D. Posselt and M. Minamide, 2022: Developments in storm and convective scale data assimilation and observations. Session at the EGU General Assembly, 23–27 May 2022, Vienna, Austria.

(Co-)organized sessions at conferences are marked in red and invited talks in blue.

Amezcua, J., A. Carassi, T. Janjic, and O. Talagrand, 2021: Inverse problems, Predictability, and Uncertainty Quantification in Geosciences using data assimilation and its combination with machine learning. Session at the EGU General Assembly, 19–30 April 2021, digital.

Barrett, A., and Hoose C., 2021: Microphysical Piggybacking in ICON: sensitivity of simulated convection to the microphysics scheme. ICON/COSMO/CLM/ART User Seminar (ICCARUS) 2021, 8–12 March 2021, digital.

Barrett, A., and Hoose, C., 2021: Non-systematic response of hail to aerosol concentration explained: Different microphysical pathways. 3rd European Hail Workshop, 15–18 March 2021, Karlsruhe, Germany, digital.

Barrett, A., and Hoose, C., 2021: Using Microphysical Piggybacking to explain the sensitivity of simulated convection to the choice of microphysics scheme. International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP2021), 2–6 August 2021, Pune, India, digital.

Hajipour, M., P. Seifert, and A. Myagkov, 2021: Retrieval of shape and orientation of multiple hydrometeor types from observations of scanning hybrid-mode Ka-band cloud radar. 3rd International Summer Snowfall Workshop (ISSW3), 31 August – 3 September 2021, digital.

Hajipour, M., P. Seifert, and A. Myagkov, 2021: Retrieval of shape and orientation of multiple hydrometeor types from observations of scanning hybrid-mode Ka-band cloud radar. Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XXVI - SPIE, 13–17 September 2021, digital.

Janjic, T., 2021: Towards next generation data assimilation algorithms for convective scale applications. University of Potsdam, 14 September 2021, invited talk.

Janjic, T., 2021: Towards next generation data assimilation algorithms for convective scale applications. University of Wisconsin, 19 February 2021, invited talk.

Janjic T., Y. Zeng, Y. Feng, A. de Lozar, Y. Ruckstuhl, U. Blahak, and A. Seifert, 2021: Representation of model error in convective scale data assimilation. WCRP-WWRP Symposium on data assimilation and reanalysis, 13–18 September 2021, online.

Mendrok, J., and U. Blahak, 2021: Polarimetric radar forward operator for model validation and data assimilation. ICCARUS 2021, 08–12 March 2021, online, poster.

Mendrok, J., P. Shrestha, U. Blahak, S. Trömel, and J. Carlin, 2021: Polarimetric radar based evaluation of COSMO hydrometeor fields considering uncertainties in the model microphysics and the observation operator. 3rd International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 31 August – 03 September 2021, online, poster.

Mendrok, J., and U. Blahak, 2021: Recent developments in the radar forward operator EMVORADO: Polarimetric upgrade and technical changes. 23rd COSMO General Meeting, WG1 Radar Data Session, 06 September 2021, online, oral.

Pejcic, V., C. Simmer, and S. Trömel, 2021: Polarimetric radar-based methods for evaluation of hydrometeor mixtures in numerical weather prediction models. 21st International Radar Symposium (IRS), 21 June - 22 June 2021,

Shrestha, P., 2021: Clouds and Vegetation Modulate Shallow Groundwater Table Depth. AGU Fall Meeting, 13–17 December 2021, New Orleans, USA.

Teisseire, A., T. Vog, P. Seifert, W. Schimmel, M. Radenz, J. Bühl, and H. Kalesse-Los, 2021: Attribution of riming and aggregation to the evolution of hydrometeor shape and orientation in mixed-phase clouds with SLDR-mode scanning cloud radar. 3rd International Summer Snowfall Workshop (ISSW3), 31 August – 3 September 2021, digital.

Teisseire, A., T. Vog, P. Seifert, W. Schimmel, M. Radenz, J. Bühl, and H. Kalesse-Los, 2021: Attribution of riming and aggregation to the evolution of hydrometeor shape and orientation in mixed-phase clouds with SLDR-mode scanning cloud radar. International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP), 2–6 August 2021, digital.

Tetoni, E., F. Ewald, G. Möller, M. Hagen, T. Zinner, C. Knote, B. Mayer, and S. Groß, 2021: Advantages and limitations on combining radar dual - wavelength and polarimetric observations for ice microphysics retrievals. EGU General Assembly 2021 (EGU), 19–30 April 2021, digital.

Tetoni, E., F. Ewald, M. Hagen, G. Möller, T. Zinner, B. Mayer, C. Knote, and S. Groß, 2021: Combining radar dual - wavelength and polarimetric observations for the development of an ice microphysics retrieval: a sensitivity analysis. 3rd International Summer Snowfall Workshop (ISSW3), 31 August – 3 September 2021, digital.

Trömel, S., U. Blahak, T. Janjic, J. Mendrok , R. Potthast, L. Reimann, P. Shrestha , C. Simmer, K. Vobig, and Y. Zeng, 2021: The assimilation of 3D (polarimetric ) radar data: Challenges and achievements. RadMet Conference, 6–8 July 2021, digital, invited talk.

Vogl, T., M. Maahn, S. Kneifel, D. Moisseev, W. Schimmel, and H. Kalesse, 2021: Using artificial neural networks to predict riming from cloud radar observations, 3rd International Summer Snowfall Workshop (ISSW3), 31 August – 3 September 2021, digital.

von Terzi, L., Kneifel S., and J. Dias-Neto, 2021: A new view on the dendritic growth zone with spectral polarimetric and multifrequency radar observations. International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP2021), 2–6 August 2021, digital.

von Terzi, L., Kneifel S., and J. Dias-Neto, 2021: Aggregation in the Dendritic Growth Zone: A new view combining multi-frequency and polarimetric spectral radar observations. 3rd International Summer Snowfall Workshop (ISSW3), 31 August – 3 September 2021, digital.

von Terzi, L., S. Kneifel, and J. Dias-Neto, 2021: Aggregation in the Dendritic Growth Zone: A new view with polarimetric and spectral radar observations. AGU Fall meeting, 13–17 December 2021, New Orleans, USA.

Welss, J.-N., A. Seifert, and C. Siewert, 2021: How did they get there? The Importance of the Particle History for the Ice Habit. ICON/COSMO/CLM/ART User Seminar (ICCARUS) 2021, 8–12 March 2021, digital.

Welss, J.-N., A. Seifert, and C. Siewert, 2021: How important is the shape of ice crystals?. International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP) 2021, 2–6 August 2021, digital.

Welss, J.-N., A. Seifert, and C. Siewert, 2021: ICON and McSnow as participating models in the 10th International Cloud Modeling Workshop (ICMW) 2021. COPE Case, 26–30 July 2021, digital.

Welss, J.-N., L. von Terzi, A. Seifert, and S. Kneifel, 2021: Case study comparisons of polarimetric radar observations against results from the Lagrangian particle model McSnow. 3rd Summer Snowfall Workshop (ISSW3), 31 August – 3 September 2021, digital.

Westbrook, C., K. McCusker, S. Kneifel, D. Moisseev, and M. Maahn, 2021: Third International Summer Snowfall Workshop (ISSW), Univ. Reading, UK, 31 August – 3 September 2021, digital.

Zeng, Y., 2021: Representation of model error and reducing imbalance in convective-scale data assimilation. DARC Seminar Series, University of Reading, 9 December 2021, digital, invited talk.

Zeng, Y., T. Janjic, Y. Feng, U. Blahak, A. de Lozar, E. Bauernschubert, K. Stephan, and J. Min, 2021: Interpreting estimated Observation Error Statistics of Weather Radar Measurements using the ICON-LAM-KENDA System. Joint WCRP-WWRP Symposium on Data Assimilation and Reanalysis, 13–17 September 2021, digital.

(Co-)organized sessions at conferences are marked in red and invited talks in blue.

Amezcua, J., A. Carassi, T. Janjic, and O. Talagrand, 2020: Inverse problems, Predictability, and Uncertainty Quantification in Geosciences using data assimilation and its combination with machine learning. Session at EGU General Assembly, 4–8 May 2020, digital.

Evaristo, R., M. Schmidt, C. Simmer, S. Trömel, and K. Mühlbauer, 2020: Relationship between Zdr column properties, hail and updrafts derived from Dual-Doppler analysis. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), 31 August – 4 September 2020, Locarno, Switzerland.

Gergely, M., M. Schaper, M. Toussaint, and M. Frech, 2020: Processing weather radar Doppler spectra from vertically pointing birdbath scans to characterize the precipitation column. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), Abstract published, conference cancelled due to COVID.

Gergely, M., M. Schaper, M. Toussaint, M. Moser, C. Voigt, and M. Frech, 2020: Using Doppler spectra from a vertically pointing polarimetric weather radar to characterize precipitation processes. AGU Fall Meeting, online everywhere, 1–17 December 2020.

Gergely, M., S. Benson, F. J. Turk, and G. Mace, 2020: Triple-frequency radar signatures for estimating characteristic snowflake mass and complexity and inferring the dominant snowfall process. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), Abstract published, conference cancelled due to COVID.

Janjic, T., Y. Zeng, A. de Lozar, Y. Ruckstuhl, U. Blahak, and A. Seifert, 2020: Representation of model error in convective scale data assimilation. EGU General Assembly, 4–8 May 2020, digital.

Kalesse, H., P. Seifert, T. Vogl, W. Schimmel, A. Foth, M. Radenz, B. Barja, M. Maahn, A. Ansmann, F. Zamorano, S. Kneifel, and D. Moisseev, 2020: Cloud liquid water and precipitation: novel remote-sensing techniques for identifying cloud liquid water in mixed-phase clouds, detecting riming, and classifying rain. AGU Fall Meeting 2020, 1–17 December 2020, digital, invited talk.

Mendrok, J., U. Blahak, J. Carlin, J. Snyder, P. Shresta, and S. Trömel, 2020: An efficient polarimetric radar forward operator for NWP model validation and data assimilation. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), Abstract published, conference cancelled due to COVID.

Möller, G., E. Tetoni, F. Ewald, S. Groß, M. Hagen, C. Knote, B. Mayer, and T. Zinner, 2020: The Life-Cycle of Cloud and Precipitation Microphysics in Radar Observation and Numerical Model. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), Abstract published, conference cancelled due to COVID.

Möller, G., F. Ewald, S. Groß, M. Hagen, C. Knote, B. Mayer, E. Tetoni, and T. Zinner, 2020: The Life-Cycle of Cloud and Precipitation Microphysics in Radar Observation and Numerical Model. EGU General Assembly 2021 (EGU), 19–30 April 2021, digital.

Pejcic, V., P. Saavedra, K. Mühlbauer, J. Soderholm, S. Trömel, and C. Simmer, 2020: Space-borne and ground-based radar observations for calibration, rainfall evaluation and hydrometeor classification. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), Abstract published, conference cancelled due to COVID.

Pejcic, V., S. Trömel, and C. Simmer, 2020: Evaluation of hydrometeor types and properties in the ICON-LAM model with polarimetric radar observations. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), Abstract published, conference cancelled due to COVID.

Pejcic, V., S. Trömel, and C. Simmer, 2020: Evaluation of hydrometeor types and properties in the ICON-LAM model with polarimetric radar observations. American Geophysical Union (AGU), 13–17 December 2020, digital.

Seifert, P., H. Kalesse, M. Radenz , J. Bühl, T. Vogl, W. Schimmel, A. Foth, Z. Teisseire, H. Baars, R. Engelmann, B. Barja, J. Witthuhn, F. Stratmann, A. Ansmann, and F. Zamorano, 2020: DACAPO-PESO: Remote Sensing and In-situ Observations in Sub-Antarctica (53°S,71°W) to Enhance the Understanding of Aerosol - Moisture - Cloud - Precipitation Interaction. EGU Meeting 2020, 3–8 May, 2020, digital.

Shrestha, P., S. Trömel, and C. Simmer, 2020: Evaluation of ensemble TerrSysMP runs for convective precipitation events using polarimetric radar retrievals. NIC Symposium, 27 February - 28 February 2020, Jülich, Germany.

Tetoni, E., F. Ewald, G. Möller, M. Hagen, T. Zinner, C. Knote, B. Mayer, Q. Li, and S. Groß, 2020: Investigating the contribution of polarimetry in retrieving ice microphysical properties using Dual-Wavelength radar observations. EGU 4–8 May 2020, online.

Tetoni, E., F. Ewald, G. Möller, M. Hagen, T. Zinner, C. Knote, B. Mayer, Q. Li, and S. Groß, 2020: Retrieving ice microphysics from dual-frequency polarimetric radar observations. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), Abstract published, conference cancelled due to COVID.

Trömel, S., V. Pejcic, A. Ryzhkov, S. Hörnig, K. Mühlbauer, and C. Simmer, 2020: Ground- and satellite-based microphysical retrievals: reliability and benefit for process detection. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), 31 August – 4 September 2020, Locarno, Switzerland.

Turso, S., C. G. Salzburg, M. Vizcarro and T. Bertuch, 2020: A Novel Antenna Concept for Weather Applications Based on a Cylindrical Parabolic Reflector. 2020 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf20), 21–25 September 2020,

Turso, S., F. Gekat, 2020: Radar networks for climate change. Special session at 2020 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf20), 21 – 25 September 2020, digital.

Vogl, T., M. Maahn , S. Kneifel, D. Moisseev, and H. Kalesse, 2020: Riming detection using cloud radar Doppler spectra. AGU Fall Meeting 2020, 1–17 December 2020, digital.

von Terzi, L., S. Kneifel, J. -N. Wells, A. Seifert, J. Dias-Neto, and D. Ori, 2020: Ice microphysical processes inferred from polarimetric and multi-frequency Doppler spectra observations. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), Abstract published, conference cancelled due to COVID.

Welss, J. -N., A. Seifert, and C. Siewert, 2020: How did they get there? The Importance of the Particle History for the Ice Habit. AGU Fall Meeting 2020, 1–17 December 2020, digital.

Zeng, Y., 2020: Representation of model error and reducing imbalance in convective-scale data assimilation. 10 November 2020, University of Nanjing, Nanjing, China, digital, invited talk.

Zeng, Y., 2020: Study on radar data assimilation at convective scale: observation error, mass conservation and dynamical balance. 15 December 2020, Shanghai Typhoon Institute, Shanghai, China, digital, invited talk.

(Co-)organized sessions at conferences are marked in red and invited talks in blue.

Evaristo, R., M. Schmidt, S. Trömel, and C. Simmer, 2019: Relationship between Zdr columns, updraft intensity and hail growth deduced from Dual-Doppler retrievals and Polarimetric radar. Poster at 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, 15–20 September 2019, Nara, Japan.

Evaristo, R., S. Trömel, and C. Simmer, 2019: Comparing different methods of radar data display for microphysical studies in precipitation systems and weather nowcasting. International Radar Symposium, 26–28 June 2019, Ulm, Germany.

Ewald, F., S. Groß, M. Wirth, B. Mayer, and J. Delanoë, 2019: Combination of radar, lidar and solar radiance measurements to retrieve ice cloud microphysics and comparison to in situ measurements. 2nd International Summer Snowfall Workshop (ISSW2), 27–30 August 2019, Hyytiälä, Finland.

Hagen, M., F. Ewald, S. Groß, C. Knote, Q. Li, B. Mayer, G. Möller, E. Tetoni, and T. Zinner, 2019: Radarmessungen und Modellierung zur Untersuchung der Konvektionsauslösung und der Niederschlagsentstehung. Poster at Meteorologentagung DACH 2019, 18–22 March 2019, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.

Hagen, M., F. Ewald, S. Groß, Q. Li, B. Mayer, G. Möller, E. Tetoni, and T. Zinner, 2019: Investigation of Ice Microphysics using Simultaneous Measurements at C- and Ka-Band. Oral presentation at 11th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, 20–24 May 2019, Toulouse, France.

Hagen, M., F. Ewald, S. Groß, Q. Li, B. Mayer, G. Möller, E. Tetoni, and T. Zinner, 2019: Retrieval of Ice Microphysics using Simultaneous Measurements at C- and Ka-Band. Oral presentation at 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, 15–20 September 2019, Nara, Japan.

Hickman, B., R. Evaristo, S. Trömel, and C. Simmer, 2019: Testing a new Winter hydrometeor classification algorithm for distinction between ice pellets and freezing rain. Poster at 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, 15–20 September 2019, Nara, Japan.

Janjic, T., Y. Zeng, A. de Lozar, Y. Ruckstuhl, U. Blahak, and A. Seifert, 2019: Representation of model error in convective scale data assimilation. AGU, 9–13 December 2019, San Francisco, USA.

Janjic, T., Y. Zeng, A. de Lozar, Y. Ruckstuhl, U. Blahak, and A. Seifert, 2019: Representation of model error in convective scale data assimilation. Mathematics of the weather, 14–16 October 2019, Bad Orb, Germany, invited talk.

Mendrok, J., J. Snyder, S. Trömel, and U. Blahak, 2019: Towards an efficient polarimetric radar forward operator for NWP frameworks. Poster at 2nd International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 27–30 August 2019, Hyytiälä Research Station, Finland.

Mendrok, J., J. Snyder, S. Trömel, and U. Blahak, 2019: Towards an efficient polarimetric radar forward operator for NWP frameworks. Poster at 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, 15–20 September 2019, Nara, Japan.

Oue, M., H. Kalesse-Los, P. Seifert, T. Vogl, A. Teisseire, J. Lee, M. Hajipour, G. Möller, and W. Schimmel, 2019: Radar forward operator CR-SIM (Cloud resolving model RadarSimulator) Workshop. 9–13 September 2019, Leipzig, Germany.

Schmidt, M. L., S. Trömel, A. Ryzhkov, and C. Simmer, 2019: Sizing and Nowcasting Severe Hail Exploiting a Polarimetric C-band Radar Network. Poster at 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, 15–20 September 2019, Nara, Japan.

Seifert, P., H. Kalesse, M. Radenz, J. Bühl, T. Vogl, W. Schimmel, A. Foth, A. Teisseire, H. Baars, R. Engelmann, B. Barja, J. Witthuhn, F. Stratmann, A. Ansmann, and F. Zamorano, 2019: DACAPO-PESO: Remote Sensing and In-situ Observations in the Pristine Southern Hemispheric Midlatitudes (53°S,71°W) to Enhance the Understanding of Aerosol - Cloud - Precipitation Interaction. IUGG-IAMAS Conference 2019, 8–18 July, 2019, Montreal, Canada.

Shrestha, P., S. Trömel, and C. Simmer, 2019: Evaluation of ensemble TerrSysMP runs for convective precipitation events using polarimetric radar retrievals – impact of land use change and large scale aerosol perturbations. AGU 2019, 9–13 December 2019, San Francisco, USA.

Teisseire, A., P. Seifert, M. Radenz, T. Vogl, H. Kalesse, J. Bühl, M. Hajipour, and A. Floutsi, 2019 : Investigation of the susceptibility of mixed-phase cloud processes to aerosol perturbations with scanning SLDR-mode cloud radar. 20–24 May 2019, Toulouse, France.

Tetoni, E., F. Ewald, M. Hagen, S. Groß, G. Möller, T. Zinner, C. Knote, B. Mayer, and Q. Li, 2019: Retrieving microphysical properties of ice crystals using Dual-Wavelength polarimetric observations. 2nd International Summer Snowfall Workshop (ISSW2), 27–30 August 2019, Hyytiälä, Finland.

Trömel, S., J. Carlin, A. Ryzhkov, and C. Simmer, 2019: Nowcasting of stratiform rain exploiting signatures in the dendritic growth layer, microphysical retrievals and spectral bin modelling. Poster at 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, 15–20 September 2019, Nara, Japan.

Trömel, S., S. Crewell, P. Knott, U. Löhnert, and C. Simmer, 2019: The Clouds and Precipitation Exploration Laboratory in Germany (CPEX-Lab). Poster at 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology, 15–20 September 2019, Nara, Japan.

Turso, S., and J. Vesely, 2019: Polarimetric and Weather Radar. Special session at 20th International Radar Symposium (IRS), 26–28 June 2019, Ulm, Germany.

Vizcarro, M., S. Turso, C. G. Salzburg, and T. Bertuch, 2019: A dual-polarized X-band patch antenna sub-array with low cross-polarization for weather radar applications. 20th International Radar Symposium (IRS), 26–28 June 2019, Ulm, Germany,

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  • Last modified: 2025/01/02 12:53
  • by kathrin