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PROM Meetings
The SPP PROM all-hands meeting took place from July 25-27, 2022.
Location: UFS Schneefernerhaus, Zugspitze and remotely. Below is the schedule of events.
Monday, 25 July 2022 | ||||
13:00-14:00 | Joint Lunch | at Sonnalpin (Train Station: Zugspitzplatt) | ||
14:00-15:00 | Transfer to Schneefernerhaus and checkin | |||
15:00-15:15 | Welcome | |||
15:15-15:45 | Heike Kalesse-Los Patric Seifert Johannes Quaas | PICNICC | Polarimetry Influenced by CCN and INP in Cyprus and Chile | PICNICC Kalesse-Los Vogl PICNICC Kalesse-Los Teisseire |
15:45-16:15 | Silke Trömel Clemens Simmer Ulrich Blahak | Operation Hydrometeors | An efficient volume scan polarimetric radar forward operator to improve the representation of HYDROMETEORS in the COSMO model PostDoc (DWD): Jana Mendrok PhD (Uni Bonn): Velibor Pejcic (remote) | Operation Hydrometeors Mendrok Operation Hydrometeors Pejcic |
16:15-16:45 | Michael Frech | HydroColumn | A seamless column of the precipitation process from mixed-phase clouds employing data from a polarimetric C-band radar, a microrain radar and disdrometers PI (DWD): Michael Frech (remote) | |
16:45-17:15 | time buffer / Break | |||
17:15-17:45 | Stefan Kneifel Axel Seifert | IMPRINT | Understanding ice microphysical processes using multi-frequency radar polarimetry and super-particle modeling PhD (Uni Col): Leonie von Terzi PhD (DWD): Jan-Niklas Welss (remote) | IMPRINT von Terzi IMPRINT Welss |
17:45-18:15 | Stefano Turso Thomas Bertuch Clemens Simmer Silke Trömel | WRAD | A Low-cost Mechanically-Steered Phased-Array Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar Fraunhofer (FHR): Stefano Turso | |
18:15-19:45 | Dinner | |||
Tuesday, 26 July 2022 | ||||
09:00-10:30 | Guided tour | around the Schneefernerhaus facilities | ||
10:30-11:00 | Alexander Ryzhkov | Radar microphysical retrievals | Climatology of the vertical profiles of microphysical variables in different weather systems | Ryzhkov |
11:00-11:30 | Jacob Carlin | Synergistic use of radar data | The synergistic use of polarimetric radar data and spectral bin models for improving weather nowcasting | Carlin |
11:30-13:30 | Lunch | |||
13:30-14:00 | Silke Trömel Clemens Simmer Christiane Voigt | POLICE | Polarimetric signatures of ice microphysical processes and their interpretation using in-situ observations and cloud modeling PhD (DLR): Manuel Moser (remote) PhD (Uni Bonn): Armin Blanke | POLICE Moser POLICE Blanke |
14:00-14:30 | Tobias Zinner Florian Ewald Christoph Knote | IcePolCKa | Investigation of the initiation of convection and the evolution of precipitation using simulations and polarimetric radar observations at C- and Ka-band PhD (LMU): Gregor Köcher PhD (DLR): Eleni Tetoni PhD (DLR): Christian Heske | IcePolCKa Köcher IcePolCKa Tetoni |
14:30-15:00 | Johannes Quaas Silke Trömel | PARA | Climate model parameterizations informed by radar PhD (Uni Bonn): Tobias Scharbach | PARA Scharbach |
15:00-15:30 | time buffer / Break | |||
15:30-16:00 | Patric Seifert Oswald Knoth | SPOCC | Spectrally resolved Polarimetric Observation and Computation of Clouds: Toward the retrieval of hydrometeor ratios during onset of precipitation PhD (TROPOS): Majid Hajipour | SPOCC Hajipour |
16:00-16:30 | Tijana Janjic Pfander Axel Seifert | REDPOL | Representing model error and observation Error uncertainty for Data assimilation of POLarimetric radar measurements PhD (LMU): Florian Semrau (remote) | |
16:30-17:00 | Prabhakar Shrestha | ILACPR | Investigating the impact of Land-use and land-cover change on Aerosol-Cloud-precipitation interactions using Polarimetric Radar retrievals PostDoc (Uni Bonn): Prabhakar Shrestha (remote) | |
17:00-17:20 | time buffer / Break | |||
17:20-17:40 | Miklós Szakall Stefan Kneifel Axel Seifert | FRAGILE | Exploring the role of fragmentation of ice particles by combining super-particle modelling, laborotary studies, and polarimetric radar observations PI (Uni Mainz): Miklós Szakall (remote, representing Alexander Theis) | FRAGILE Szakall |
17:40-18:00 | Heike Kalesse-Los Maximilian Maahn | CORSIPP | Characterisation of orographically influenced ripening and secondary ice production and their effects on precipitation rates by radar polarimetry and Doppler spectra PhD (Uni Leipzig): Anton Kötsche PostDoc (Uni Leipzig): Isabelle Steinke | CORSIPP Kötsche Steinke |
18:00-19:45 | Dinner | |||
Wednesday, 27 July 2022 | ||||
09:00-09:20 | Davide Ori Ulrich Blahak | PRISTINE | Polarimetric Radar simulations with realistic Ice and Snow properties and mulTIfrequeNcy consistency Evaluation PI (Uni Köln): Davide Ori PostDoc (Uni Köln): Jana Mendrok | PRISTINE Ori Mendrok |
09:20-09:40 | Stefan Kneifel Michael Frech | POMODORI | Combining radar POlarimetry, weather forecast MOdel outputs and DOppler radar observations for RIming analysis PI (Uni Köln): Stefan Kneifel | |
09:40-10:00 | time buffer / Break | |||
10:00-10:20 | Patric Seifert Fabian Senf | PolarCAP | Polarimetric Radar Signatures of Ice Formation Pathways from Controlled Aerosol Perturbations PostDoc (TROPOS): Kevin Ohneiser PostDoc (TROPOS): Willi Schimmel | PolarCAP Ohneiser Schimmel |
10:20-10:40 | Application of the cloud microphysics model COSMO-SPECS | PostDoc (TROPOS, associated member): Roland Schrödner | Schrödner | |
10:40-12:00 | Discussions / Break-out sessions | |||
12:00-13:00 | Lunch | either at Sonnalpin or already in the Panorama Restaurant at Zugspitze Summit (optional) | ||
13:00-15:00 | Optional trip to Zugspitze summit | Guided tour to DWD weather station at Zugspitze, maximum 20 people per tour. The first tour starts 13:00 CEST, the second possible tour would start 14:00 CEST | ||
End of the meeting |
The SPP PROM all-hands meeting took place from July 24 - 26, 2024. Location: Leipziger Institut für Meteorologie (LIM), Universität Leipzig, Stephanstraße 3, 04103 Leipzig. Below is the schedule of events.
Wednesday, 24 July 2024 | ||||
15:15-15:30 | Silke Trömel | Welcome | ||
15:30-16:10 | Miklós Szakáll Stefan Kneifel Axel Seifert | FRAGILE | Exploring the role of fragmentation of ice particles | Leonie von Terzi Sudha Yadav |
15:30-15:45 | PostDoc (LMU): Leonie v. Terzi | |||
15:45-16:00 | PhD Student (Uni Mainz): Sudha Yadav | |||
16:00-16:10 | Discussion | |||
16:10-16:35 | Patric Seifert Oswald Knoth | SPOCC | Spectrally resolved Polarimetric Observation and Computation of Clouds | Patric Seifert |
16:10-16:25 | PI (TROPOS): Patric Seifert | |||
16:25-16:35 | Discussion | |||
16:35-17:05 | Short Break | |||
17:05-17:30 | Silke Trömel Clemens Simmer Christiane Voigt | POLICE | Polarimetric signatures of ice microphysical processes and their interpretation using in-situ observations and cloud modeling | Armin Blanke |
17:05-17:20 | PhD (Uni Bonn): Armin Blanke | |||
17:20-17:30 | Discussion | |||
17:30-18:00 | Alexander Ryzhkov | Polarimetric microphysical retrievals | Challenges and promises | Alexander Ryzhkov |
17:30-17:50 | Alexander Ryzhkov (Member of scientific advisory board / NOAA) | |||
17:50-18:00 | Discussion | |||
Thursday, 25 July 2024 | ||||
08:45-09:45 | Assimilation of dual-polarization observation | Clotilde Augros Cloé David |
08:45-09:05 | The polarimetric forward operator Clotilde Augros, researcher CNRM, Météo-France et CNRS, invited speaker | Clotilde Augros | ||
09:05-09:15 | Discussion | |||
09:15-09:35 | Model/observation comparisons with dual-polarization radar data on a number of severe convective cases Cloé David, PhD student CNRM, Météo-France et CNRS, invited speaker | Cloé David | ||
09:35-09:45 | Discussion | |||
09:45-10:25 | Tobias Zinner Florian Ewald Christoph Knote | IcePolCKa | Investigation of the initiation of convection and the evolution of precipitation using simulations and polarimetric radar observations at C- and Ka-band | Gregor Köcher |
09:45-10:00 | PostDoc (LMU): Gregor Köcher | |||
10:00-10:15 | PhD (DLR): Christian Heske and PI (DLR): Florian Ewald (online) | |||
10:15-10:25 | Discussion | |||
10:25-10:45 | Short Break | |||
10:45-11:40 | Silke Trömel Clemens Simmer Ulrich Blahak | Operation Hydrometeors | An efficient volume scan polarimetric radar forward operator to improve the representation of hydrometeors in the COSMO model | Kobra Khosravian Julian Steinheuer Velibor Pejcic |
10:45-11:00 | PostDocs (DWD): Kobra Khosravian, Phase 2 | |||
11:00-11:15 | PostDoc (Uni Bonn): Julian Steinheuer, Phase 2 | |||
11:15-11:30 | PhD (Uni Bonn): Velibor Pejcic | |||
11:30-11:40 | Discussion | |||
11:40-12:05 | Johannes Quaas Silke Trömel | PARA | Climate model parameterizations informed by radar | Tobias Scharbach |
11:40-11:55 | PhD (Uni Bonn): Tobias Scharbach | |||
11:55-12:05 | Discussion | |||
12:05-12:30 | Stefano Turso Thomas Bertuch Clemens Simmer Silke Trömel | WRAD | A Low-cost Mechanically-Steered Phased-Array Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar | |
12:05-12:20 | Fraunhofer (FHR): Stefano Turso | |||
12:20-12:30 | Discussion | |||
12:30-13:45 | Joint Pizza- and Salad-Lunch in the LIM | |||
13:45-14:25 | Heike Kalesse-Los Maximilian Maahn | CORSIPP | Characterisation of orographically influenced riming and secondary ice production and their effects on precipitation rates by radar polarimetry and Doppler spectra | Anton Kötsche and Veronika Ettrichrätz |
13:45-14:00 | PhD (Uni Leipzig): Anton Kötsche | |||
14:00-14:15 | PostDoc (Uni Leipzig): Veronika Ettrichrätz | |||
14:15-14:25 | Discussion | |||
14:25-15:05 | Davide Ori Ulrich Blahak | PRISTINE | Polarimetric Radar simulations with realistic Ice and Snow properties and mulTIfrequeNcy consistency Evaluation | Soumi Dutta Jana Mendrok |
14:25-14:40 | PostDoc (Uni Köln): Soumi Dutta | |||
14:40-14:55 | PostDoc (DWD): Jana Mendrok | |||
14:55-15:05 | Discussion | |||
15:05-15:25 | Short Break | |||
15:25-16:40 | Breakout Session I: Exchange with invited guests from Météo-France | |||
16:40-16:50 | Short Break | |||
16:50-18:05 | Breakout Session II: Follow-up proposal on Data Assimilation | |||
Friday, 26 July 2024 | ||||
08:30-09:15 | Overall discussion | Wrap-up of breakout sessions, organization of joint conference PrePEP 2025, and next steps | ||
09:15-09:35 | Comprehensive PROM-cooperations and publications | |||
09:35-10:15 | Heike Kalesse-Los Patric Seifert Johannes Quaas | PICNICC | Polarimetry Influenced by CCN aNd INP in Cyprus and Chile | Teresa Vogl |
09:35-09:50 | PhD (Uni Leipzig): Teresa Vogl | |||
09:50-10:05 | Teresa Vogl will also present the TROPOS-part | |||
10:05-10:15 | Discussion | |||
10:15-10:45 | Short Break | |||
10:45-11:25 | Stefan Kneifel Michael Frech | POMODORI | Combining radar polarimetry, weather forecast model outputs, and Doppler radar observations for riming analysis | Paul Ockenfuß Mathias Gergely |
10:45-11:00 | PhD (LMU): Paul Ockenfuß | |||
11:00-11:15 | PostDoc (DWD): Mathias Gergely | |||
11:15-11:25 | Discussion | |||
11:25-12:05 | Patric Seifert Fabian Senf | PolarCAP | Polarimetric Radar Signatures of Ice Formation Pathways from Controlled Aerosol Perturbations | Kevin Ohneiser Willi Schimmel |
11:25-11:40 | PostDoc (TROPOS): Kevin Ohneiser | |||
11:40-11:55 | PostDoc (TROPOS): Willi Schimmel | |||
11:55-12:05 | Discussion | |||
End of the meeting |
The SPP PROM all-hands meeting took place from July 17-19, 2023.
Location: Düsternbrooker Weg 2, 24105 Kiel, Seeburg. Below is the schedule of events.
Monday, 17 July 2023 | ||||
14:15-14:30 | Welcome | |||
14:30-15:10 | Heike Kalesse-Los Patric Seifert Johannes Quaas | PICNICC | Polarimetry Influenced by CCN and INP in Cyprus and Chile | PICNICC Teresa Vogl |
14:30-14:45 | PhD (TROPOS): Audrey Teisseire | |||
14:45-15:00 | PhD (Uni Leipzig): Teresa Vogl (or Heike Kalesse-Los) | |||
15:00-15:10 | Discussion | |||
15:10-15:50 | Silke Trömel Clemens Simmer Ulrich Blahak | Operation Hydrometeors | An efficient volume scan polarimetric radar forward operator to improve the representation of HYDROMETEORS in the COSMO model | Operation Hydrometeors Mendrok, Khosravian Operation Hydrometeors Pejcic Operation Hydrometeors Steinheuer |
15:10-15:25 | PostDocs (DWD): Mendrok, Phase 1, K. Khosravian, Phase 2 | |||
15:25-15:40 | PhD/PostDoc (Uni Bonn): V. Pejcic, Phase 1, J. Steinheuer, Phase 2 | |||
15:40-15:50 | Discussion | |||
15:50-16:35 | Short Break | |||
16:35-17:00 | Michael Frech | HydroColumn | A seamless column of the precipitation process from mixed-phase clouds employing data from a polarimetric C-band radar, a microrain radar, and disdrometers | HydroColumn Gergely |
16:35-16:50 | PostDoc (DWD): Mathias Gergely | |||
16:50-17:00 | Discussion | |||
17:00-17:25 | Stefan Kneifel Axel Seifert | IMPRINT | Understanding ice microphysical processes using multi-frequency radar polarimetry and super-particle modeling | IMPRINT Leonie v. Terzi |
17:00-17:15 | PhD (Uni Köln), now PostDoc (LMU): Leonie v. Terzi, Phase 1 | |||
17:15-17:25 | Discussion | |||
17:25-17:50 | Stefano Turso Thomas Bertuch Clemens Simmer Silke Trömel | WRAD | A Low-cost Mechanically-Steered Phased-Array Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar | |
17:25-17:40 | Fraunhofer (FHR): Stefano Turso | |||
17:40-17:50 | Discussion | |||
17:50-18:15 | Alexander Ryzhkov | Radar microphysical retrievals | Climatology of the vertical profiles of microphysical variables in different weather systems | NOAA Ryzhkov |
17:50-18:05 | Alexander Ryzhkov (NOAA) | |||
18:05-18:15 | Discussion | |||
From 19:00 | Joint dinner in Kiel | |||
Tuesday, 18 July 2023 | ||||
09:00-09:25 | Jacob Carlin | Synergistic use of radar data | Improving weather nowcasting | NOAA Carlin |
09:00-09:15 | Presentation | |||
09:15-09:25 | Discussion | |||
09:25-09:50 | Silke Trömel Clemens Simmer Christiane Voigt | POLICE | Polarimetric signatures of ice microphysical processes and their interpretation using in-situ observations and cloud modeling | POLICE Blanke |
09:25-09:40 | PhD (Uni Bonn): Armin Blanke (online) | |||
09:40-09:50 | Discussion | |||
09:50-10:30 | Tobias Zinner Florian Ewald Christoph Knote | IcePolCKa | Investigation of the initiation of convection and the evolution of precipitation using simulations and polarimetric radar observations at C- and Ka-band | IcePolCKa Heske IcePolCKa Koecher |
09:50-10:05 | PhD (LMU): Gregor Köcher | |||
10:05-10:20 | PhD (DLR): Christian Heske | |||
10:20-10:30 | Discussion | |||
10:30-11:15 | Short Break | |||
11:15-11:40 | Johannes Quaas Silke Trömel | PARA | Climate model parameterizations informed by radar | PARA Tobias Scharbach |
11:15-11:30 | PhD (Uni Bonn): Tobias Scharbach | |||
11:30-11:40 | Discussion | |||
11:40-12:20 | Patric Seifert Oswald Knoth | SPOCC | Spectrally resolved Polarimetric Observation and Computation of Clouds | SPOCC Lee SPOCC Hajipour |
11:40-11:55 | PhD (TROPOS): Junghwa Lee (or Patric Seifert) | |||
11:55-12:10 | PhD (TROPOS): Majid Hajipour (or Patric Seifert) | |||
12:10-12:20 | Discussion | |||
12:20-13:00 | Heike Kalesse-Los Maximilian Maahn | CORSIPP | Characterisation of orographically influenced riming and secondary ice production and their effects on precipitation rates by radar polarimetry and Doppler spectra | CORSIPP Ettrichrätz, Kötsche |
12:20-12:35 | PhD (Uni Leipzig): Anton Kötsche | |||
12:35-12:50 | PostDoc (Uni Leipzig): Veronika Ettrichrätz | |||
12:50-13:00 | Discussion | |||
13:00-14:50 | Lunch Break | Kiel Fjord and walking transfer to Pier “Seegarten” | ||
14:50-15:50 | Boat Cruise | Departure 15:05, from Pier “Seegarten” to Laboe with individual sightseeing in Laboe afterwards | ||
From 17:30 | Individual Dinner | Laboe and transfer back to Kiel | ||
Wednesday, 19 July 2023 | ||||
08:30-09:15 | Overall discussion | Organization of joint conference and next steps | ||
09:15-10:10 | Miklós Szakall Stefan Kneifel Axel Seifert | FRAGILE | Exploring the role of fragmentation of ice particles | FRAGILE von Terzi FRAGILE Yadav FRAGILE Wald |
09:15-09:30 | PostDoc (LMU): Leonie v. Terzi | |||
09:30-09:45 | PhD Student (Uni Mainz): Sudha Yadav | |||
09:45-10:00 | Scientist (DWD): Simone Wald | |||
10:00-10:10 | Discussion | |||
10:10-10:50 | Davide Ori Ulrich Blahak | PRISTINE | Polarimetric Radar simulations with realistic ice and snow properties | PRISTINE Dutta PRISTINE Mendrok |
10:10-10:25 | PostDoc (Uni Köln): Soumi Dutta | |||
10:25-10:40 | PostDoc (DWD): Jana Mendrok | |||
10:40-10:50 | Discussion | |||
10:50-11:20 | Short Break | |||
11:20-12:00 | Stefan Kneifel Michael Frech | POMODORI | Combining radar polarimetry, weather forecast model outputs and Doppler radar observations for riming analysis | Pomodori Gergely, Ockenfuss |
11:20-11:35 | PhD (LMU): Paul Ockenfuss | |||
11:35-11:50 | PostDoc (DWD): Mathias Gergely | |||
11:50-12:00 | Discussion | |||
12:00-12:45 | Patric Seifert Fabian Senf | PolarCAP | Polarimetric radar signatures of ice formation pathways from controlled aerosol perturbations | PolarCAP Ohneiser PolarCAP Schimmel |
12:00-12:15 | PostDoc (TROPOS): Kevin Ohneiser | |||
12:15-12:30 | PostDoc (TROPOS): Willi Schimmel | |||
12:30-12:35 | Status COSMO-SPECS Model by Roland Schrödner | |||
12:35-12:45 | Discussion | |||
End of the meeting |
The SPP PROM Meeting took place in Bonn on October 23-24, 2019. Presentations can be downloaded below.
Wed 1:30-2:00 pm | Heike Kalesse Patrick Seifert Johannes Quaas | Teresa Vogl Audrey Teisseire | Polarimetry Influenced by CCN and INP in Cyprus and Chile (PICCNICC): An assessment of hemispheric cloud polarimetry contrasts and its relation to differences in aerosol load | PICCNICC |
Wed 2:00-2:15 pm | Axel Seifert Tijana Janijic Pfander Daniel Klocke | Yuefei Zeng | Representing model error and observation error uncertainty for data assimilation of polarimetric radar measurements | Representing model error and observation |
Wed 2:15-2:45 pm | Stefan Kneifel Axel Seifert | Leonie von Terzi Jan-Niklas Welss | Understanding ice microphysical processes using multi-frequency radar polarimetry and super-particle modeling (IMPRINT) | IMPRINT Terzi IMPRINT Welss |
Wed 2:45-3:15 pm | Ulrich Blahak Silke Trömel Clemens Simmer | Jana Mendrok Velibor Pejcic | An efficient volume scan polarimetric radar forward OPERAtor to improve the representation of HYDROMETEORS in the COSMO model (Operation Hydrometeors) | Hydrometeors Mendrok Hydrometeors Pejcic |
Wed 3:15-3:30 pm | Kathleen Helmert | Hella Riede | Web-based radar data portal for the access of archived radar data | Data Portal |
Wed 4:15-4:45 pm | Alexander Ryzhkov | Alexander Ryzhkov | Microphysical and thermodynamic retrievals using polarimetric radars | Ryzhkov |
Wed 4:45-5:15 pm | Silke Trömel Clemens Simmer Christiane Voigt | Manuel Moser Andrew Lowry | Polarimetric signatures of ice microphysical processes and their interpretation using in-situ observations and cloud modeling (POLICE) | POLICE |
Thu 9:00-9:15 am | Andrew Barrett | Andrew Barrett | Evaluating and Improving Convection-Permitting Simulations of the Life Cycle of Convective Storms using Polarimetric Radar Data | |
Thu 9:15-9:45 am | Martin Hagen Tobias Zinner | Gregor Möller Eleni Tetoni | Investigation of the initiation of convection and the evolution of precipitation using simulations and polarimetric radar observations at C- and Ka-band (IcePolCKa) | IcePolCKa Möller IcePolCKa Tetoni |
Thu 9:45-10:15 am | Patrick Seifert Oswald Knoth | Junghwa Lee Majid Hajipour | Spectrally resolved Polarimetric Observations and Computation of Clouds (SPOCC): Toward the retrieval of hydrometeor ratios during onset of precipitation | SPOCC |
Thu 10:15-10:30 am | Stefano Turso | Stefano Turso | A Low-cost Mechanically-Steered Phased-Array Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar | |
Thu 10:30-11:00 am | Silke Trömel Clemens Simmer Johannes Quaas | Sabine Hörnig Nikolaos Papaevangelou | Climate model PArametrizations informed by RAdar (PARA) | PARA |
Thu 11:45-12:00 am | Michael Frech | Mathias Gergely | A seamless profile of the precipitation process of mixed-phased clouds employing data from a polarimetric C-band radar, a microrain radar (MRR) and disdrometers | MRR |
Thu 12:00-12:15 pm | Prabhakar Shrestha | Prabhakar Shrestha | Investigating the impact of Land-use and land-cover change on Aerosol-Cloud-precipitation interactions using Polarimetric Radar retrievals (ILACPR) | ILACPR |
The SPP PROM Kickoff Meeting took place in Bonn on October 17-18, 2018. Presentations can be downloaded below.
Wed 1:00-1:30 pm | Heike Kalesse Patrick Seifert | Polarimetry Influenced by CCN and INP in Cyprus and Chile (PICCNICC): An assessment of hemispheric cloud polarimetry contrasts and its relation to differences in aerosol load | PICCNICC 1 PICCNICC 2 |
Wed 1:30-2:00 pm | Axel Seifert Tijana Janijic Pfander | Representing model error and observation error uncertainty for data assimilation of polarimetric radar measurements | Pfander |
Wed 2:00-2:30 pm | Stefan Kneifel Axel Seifert | Understanding ice microphysical processes using multi-frequency radar polarimetry and super-particle modeling (IMPRINT) | IMPRINT 1 IMPRINT 2 |
Wed 2:30-3:00 pm | Ulrich Blahak Silke Trömel | An efficient volume scan polarimetric radar forward OPERAtor to improve the representation of HYDROMETEORS in the COSMO model (Operation Hydrometeors) | Hydrometeors |
Wed 3:00-3:30 pm | Alexander Khain | Possible contributions from the models with bin microphysics to the project | Khain |
Wed 4:15-4:30 pm | Michael Frech | A seamless profile of the precipitation process of mixed-phased clouds employing data from a polarimetric C-band radar, a microrain radar (MRR) and disdrometers | Seaclamh |
Wed 4:30-5:00 pm | Tobias Zinner Christoph Knote Martin Hagen | Investigation of the initiation of convection and the evolution of precipitation using simulations and polarimetric radar observations at C- and Ka-band (IcePolCKa) | IcePolCKa 1 IcePolCKa 2 |
Wed 5:00-5:30 pm | Yvonne Boose Silke Trömel | Polarimetric signatures of ice microphysical processes and their interpretation using in-situ observations and cloud modeling (POLICE) | POLICE 1 POLICE 2 |
Thu 9:00-9:15 am | Prabhakar Shrestha (Skype) | Investigating the impact of Land-use and land-cover change on Aerosol-Cloud-precipitation interactions using Polarimetric Radar retrievals (ILACPR) | ILACPR |
Thu 9:15-9:30 am | Andrew Barrett | Evaluating and Improving Convection-Permitting Simulations of the Life Cycle of Convective Storms using Polarimetric Radar Data | Barrett |
Thu 9:30-10:00 am | Alexander Ryzhkov | Microphysical and thermodynamic retrievals using polarimetric radars | Ryzhkov |
Thu 10:30-11:00 am | Patrick Seifert Oswald Knoth | Spectrally resolved Polarimetric Observations and Computation of Clouds (SPOCC): Toward the retrieval of hydrometeor ratios during onset of precipitation | SPOCC |
Thu 11:30-11:45 am | Stefano Turso | A Low-cost Mechanically-Steered Phased-Array Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar | Weather Radar |
Thu 11:45-12:15 am | Silke Trömel Sabine Hörnig (Skype) | Climate model PArametrizations informed by RAdar (PARA) | PARA |
The SPP PROM All-hands Meeting took place on October 15-16, 2020.
Location: Zoom. Below is the schedule of events.
9:00-9:10 am | Welcome | ||
9:10-9:30 am | PICCNICC | Heike Kalesse, Patric Seifert, Johannes Quaas | Polarimetry Influenced by CCN and INP in Cyprus and Chile: An assessment of hemispheric cloud polarimetry contrasts and its relation to differences in aerosol load PhD: Teresa Vogl, Audrey Teisseire |
9:30-9:50 am | REDPOL | Tijana Janjic Pfander, Axel Seifert, Daniel Klocke | Representing model error and observation error uncertainty for data assimilation of polarimetric radar measurements PostDoc: Yuefei Zeng PhD student: Florian Semrau |
9:50-10:10 am | Discussions | ||
10:10-10:30 am | Break | ||
10:30-10:50 am | IMPRINT | Stefan Kneifel, Axel Seifert | Understanding ice microphysical processes using multi-frequency radar polarimetry and super-particle modeling PhD: Leonie von Terzi, Jan-Niklas Welss |
10:50-11:10 am | POLICE | Silke Trömel, Clemens Simmer, Christiane Voigt | Polarimetric signatures of ice microphysical processes and their interpretation using in-situ observations and cloud modeling PhD: Manuel Moser, Armin Blanke |
11:10-11:20 am | Data Portal | Kathleen Helmert | Web-based radar data portal for the access of archived radar data PostDoc: Hella Riede |
11:20-11:50 am | Discussions | ||
11:50-1:00 pm | Lunch break | ||
1:00-1:20 pm | Operation Hydrometeors | Silke Trömel, Clemens Simmer, Ulrich Blahak | An efficient volume scan polarimetric radar forward operator to improve the representation of hydrometeors in the COSMO model PhD: Jana Mendrok, Velibor Pejcic |
1:20-1:40 pm | Discussions |
9:00-9:10 am | Convective Storms | Andrew Barrett | Evaluating and Improving Convection-Permitting Simulations of the Life Cycle of Convective Storms using Polarimetric Radar Data |
9:10-9:30 am | IcePolCKa | Martin Hagen, Tobias Zinner | Investigation of the initiation of convection and the evolution of precipitation using simulations and polarimetric radar observations at C- and Ka-band PhD: Gregor Müller, Eleni Tetoni |
9:30-9:50 am | SPOCC | Patric Seifert, Oswald Knoth | Spectrally resolved Polarimetric Observation and Computation of Clouds: Toward the retrieval of hydrometeor ratios during onset of precipitation PhD: Fabian Senf, Majid Hajipour |
9:50-10:10 am | Discussions | ||
10:10-10:30 am | Break | ||
10:30-10:40 am | Weather Radar | Stefano Turso | A Low-cost Mechanically-Steered Phased-Array Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar |
10:40-11:00 am | PARA | Johannes Quaas, Silke Trömel | Climate model PArameterizations informed by RAdar PhD: Sabine Hörnig, Nikolaos Papaevangelou |
11:00-11:10 am | MRR | Michael Frech | A seamless profile of the precipitation process of mixed-phased clouds employing data from a polarimetric C-band radar, a microrain radar (MRR) and disdrometers PostDoc: Mathias Gergely |
11:10-11:20 am | ILACPR | Prabhakar Shrestha | Investigating the impact of Land-use and land-cover change on Aerosol-Cloud-precipitation interactions using Polarimetric Radar retrievals |
11:20-11:50 am | Discussions | ||
11:50-1:00 pm | Lunch Break | ||
1:00-3:00 pm | Breakout sessions | Different Zoom rooms for topics like Forward Operator, outreach, BAMS Paper, joint work/collaborations/interactions, ICON cloud/precipitation processes assessed |
End of the meeting
The PROM Phase 2 Planning-Meeting took place on March 29, 2021.
Location: Zoom. Below is the schedule of events.
9:00-9:10 am | Opening | Silke Trömel: opening and addressing overarching issues | |
9:10-9:20 am | POMODORI | Michael Frech, Stefan Kneifel | Combining radar POlarimetry, weather forecast MOdel outputs and DOppler radar observations for RIming analysis |
9:20-9:30 am | PARA-Pluie | Johannes Quaas, Silke Trömel | PARA-Pluie |
9:40-9:50 am | PRISTINE | Davide Ori, Ulrich Blahak | Polarimetric Radar simulations with realistic Ice and Snow properties and mulTIfrequeNcy consistency Evaluation |
9:50-10:00 am | Riming and Secondary Ice Production | Heike Kalesse, Maximilian Maahn | Characterization of conditions conducive to orography-influenced riming and secondary ice production and their effects on precipitation rates using radar polarimetry and Doppler spectra |
10:00-10:10 am | ILCAPR 2 | Prabhakar Shrestha | ILCAPR 2 |
10:20-10:30 am | Operation Hydrometeors 2 | Ulrich Blahak, Silke Trömel | Operation Hydrometeors 2 |
10:30-10:40 am | Precipitation Processes | Andrew Barrett | Pathways of microPhysical Processes Producing Precipitation at Particular Points (Piggybacking, P3 and Polarimetry) |
10:40-10:50 am | Polarimetric Data Assimilation | Tijana Janjic, Axel Seifert | Towards the assimilation of polarimetric radar data in convection-permitting models |
11:20-11:30 am | IcePolCKa - Phase 2 | Florian Ewald, Tobias Zinner | Storm evolution and partitioning of stratiform and convective precipitation observed by polarimetric C- and Ka-band radars |
11:30-11:40 am | PolarCAP | Patric Seifert, Fabian Senf | Polarimetric Radar Signatures of Ice Formation Pathways from Controlled Aerosol Perturbations |
11:40-11:50 am | Ice Particle Fragmentation | Axel Seifert, Miklos Szakall, Stefan Kneifel | Characterization of ice particle fragmentation with a combination of laboratory experiments, super-particle modeling, and polarimetric radar observations |
11:50-12:00 am | Weather Radar - Phase 2 | Stefano Turso, Thomas Bertuch, Clemens Simmer, Silke Trömel | A Low-cost Mechanically-Steered Phased-Array Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar, Phase 2 |
1:00-2:00 pm | Discussions | Discussions if needed |
End of the meeting