
This is an old revision of the document!

2022 Meetings

The SPP PROM all-hands meeting took place from July 25-27, 2022. Location: UFS Schneefernerhaus, Zugspitze and remotely. Below is the schedule of events.

Monday, 25 July 2022
13:00-14:00 Joint Lunch at Sonnalpin (Train Station: Zugspitzplatt)
14:00-15:00 Transfer to Schneefernerhaus and checkin
15:00-15:15 Welcome
15:15-15:45 Heike Kalesse-Los
Patric Seifert
Johannes Quaas
PICNICC Polarimetry Influenced by CCN and INP in Cyprus and Chile PICNICC Kalesse-Los Vogl
PICNICC Kalesse-Los Teisseire
15:45-16:15 Silke Trömel
Clemens Simmer
Ulrich Blahak
Operation Hydrometeors An efficient volume scan polarimetric radar forward operator to improve the representation of HYDROMETEORS in the COSMO model
PostDoc (DWD): Jana Mendrok
PhD (Uni Bonn): Velibor Pejcic (remote)
Operation Hydrometeors Mendrok
Operation Hydrometeors Pejcic
16:15-16:45 Michael Frech HydroColumn A seamless column of the precipitation process from mixed-phase clouds employing data from a polarimetric C-band radar, a microrain radar and disdrometers
PI (DWD): Michael Frech (remote)
16:45-17:15 time buffer / Break
17:15-17:45 Stefan Kneifel
Axel Seifert
IMPRINT Understanding ice microphysical processes using multi-frequency radar polarimetry and super-particle modeling
PhD (Uni Col): Leonie von Terzi
PhD (DWD): Jan-Niklas Welss (remote)
IMPRINT von Terzi
17:45-18:15 Stefano Turso
Thomas Bertuch
Clemens Simmer
Silke Trömel
WRAD A Low-cost Mechanically-Steered Phased-Array Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar
Fraunhofer (FHR): Stefano Turso
18:15-19:45 Dinner
Tuesday, 26 July 2022
09:00-10:30 Guided tour around the Schneefernerhaus facilities
10:30-11:00 Alexander Ryzhkov Radar microphysical retrievals Climatology of the vertical profiles of microphysical variables in different weather systems Ryzhkov
11:00-11:30 Jacob Carlin Synergistic use of radar data The synergistic use of polarimetric radar data and spectral bin models for improving weather nowcasting Carlin
11:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Silke Trömel
Clemens Simmer
Christiane Voigt
POLICE Polarimetric signatures of ice microphysical processes and their interpretation using in-situ observations and cloud modeling
PhD (DLR): Manuel Moser (remote)
PhD (Uni Bonn): Armin Blanke
14:00-14:30 Tobias Zinner
Florian Ewald
Christoph Knote
IcePolCKa Investigation of the initiation of convection and the evolution of precipitation using simulations and polarimetric radar observations at C- and Ka-band
PhD (LMU): Gregor Köcher
PhD (DLR): Eleni Tetoni
PhD (DLR): Christian Heske
IcePolCKa Köcher
IcePolCKa Tetoni
14:30-15:00 Johannes Quaas
Silke Trömel
PARA Climate model parameterizations informed by radar
PhD (Uni Bonn): Tobias Scharbach
PARA Scharbach
15:00-15:30 time buffer / Break
15:30-16:00 Patric Seifert
Oswald Knoth
SPOCC Spectrally resolved Polarimetric Observation and Computation of Clouds: Toward the retrieval of hydrometeor ratios during onset of precipitation
PhD (TROPOS): Majid Hajipour
SPOCC Hajipour
16:00-16:30 Tijana Janjic Pfander
Axel Seifert
REDPOL Representing model error and observation Error uncertainty for Data assimilation of POLarimetric radar measurements
PhD (LMU): Florian Semrau (remote)
16:30-17:00 Prabhakar Shrestha ILACPR Investigating the impact of Land-use and land-cover change on Aerosol-Cloud-precipitation interactions using Polarimetric Radar retrievals
PostDoc (Uni Bonn): Prabhakar Shrestha (remote)
17:00-17:20 time buffer / Break
17:20-17:40 Miklós Szakall
Stefan Kneifel
Axel Seifert
FRAGILE Exploring the role of fragmentation of ice particles by combining super-particle modelling, laborotary studies, and polarimetric radar observations
PI (Uni Mainz): Miklós Szakall (remote, representing Alexander Theis)
17:40-18:00 Heike Kalesse-Los
Maximilian Maahn
CORSIPP Characterisation of orographically influenced ripening and secondary ice production and their effects on precipitation rates by radar polarimetry and Doppler spectra
PhD (Uni Leipzig): Anton Kötsche
PostDoc (Uni Leipzig): Isabelle Steinke
CORSIPP Kötsche Steinke
18:00-19:45 Dinner
Wednesday, 27 July 2022
09:00-09:20 Davide Ori
Ulrich Blahak
PRISTINE Polarimetric Radar simulations with realistic Ice and Snow properties and mulTIfrequeNcy consistency Evaluation
PI (Uni Köln): Davide Ori
PostDoc (Uni Köln): Jana Mendrok
PRISTINE Ori Mendrok
09:20-09:40 Stefan Kneifel
Michael Frech
POMODORI Combining radar POlarimetry, weather forecast MOdel outputs and DOppler radar observations for RIming analysis
PI (Uni Köln): Stefan Kneifel
09:40-10:00 time buffer / Break
10:00-10:20 Patric Seifert
Fabian Senf
PolarCAP Polarimetric Radar Signatures of Ice Formation Pathways from Controlled Aerosol Perturbations
PostDoc (TROPOS): Kevin Ohneiser
PostDoc (TROPOS): Willi Schimmel
PolarCAP Ohneiser Schimmel
10:20-10:40 Application of the cloud microphysics model COSMO-SPECS PostDoc (TROPOS, associated member): Roland Schrödner Schrödner
10:40-12:00 Discussions / Break-out sessions
12:00-13:00 Lunch either at Sonnalpin or already in the Panorama Restaurant at Zugspitze Summit (optional)
13:00-15:00 Optional trip to Zugspitze summit Guided tour to DWD weather station at Zugspitze, maximum 20 people per tour.
The first tour starts 13:00 CEST, the second possible tour would start 14:00 CEST
End of the meeting
2024 Meetings

The SPP PROM all-hands meeting took place from July 24 - 26, 2024. Location: Leipziger Institut für Meteorologie (LIM), Universität Leipzig, Stephanstraße 3, 04103 Leipzig. Below is the schedule of events.

Wednesday, 24 July 2024
15:15-15:30 Silke Trömel Welcome
15:30-16:10 Miklós Szakáll
Stefan Kneifel
Axel Seifert
FRAGILE Exploring the role of fragmentation of ice particles Leonie von Terzi
Sudha Yadav
15:30-15:45 PostDoc (LMU): Leonie v. Terzi
15:45-16:00 PhD Student (Uni Mainz): Sudha Yadav
16:00-16:10 Discussion
16:10-16:35 Patric Seifert
Oswald Knoth
SPOCC Spectrally resolved Polarimetric Observation and Computation of Clouds Patric Seifert
16:10-16:25 PI (TROPOS): Patric Seifert
16:25-16:35 Discussion
16:35-17:05 Short Break
17:05-17:30 Silke Trömel
Clemens Simmer
Christiane Voigt
POLICE Polarimetric signatures of ice microphysical processes and their interpretation using in-situ observations and cloud modeling Armin Blanke
17:05-17:20 PhD (Uni Bonn): Armin Blanke
17:20-17:30 Discussion
17:30-18:00 Alexander Ryzhkov Polarimetric microphysical retrievals Challenges and promises Alexander Ryzhkov
17:30-17:50 Alexander Ryzhkov (Member of scientific advisory board / NOAA)
17:50-18:00 Discussion
Thursday, 25 July 2024
08:45-09:45 Assimilation of dual-polarization observation Clotilde Augros
Cloé David
08:45-09:05 The polarimetric forward operator Clotilde Augros, researcher CNRM, Météo-France et CNRS, invited speaker Clotilde Augros
09:05-09:15 Discussion
09:15-09:35 Model/observation comparisons with dual-polarization radar data on a number of severe convective cases Cloé David, PhD student CNRM, Météo-France et CNRS, invited speaker Cloé David
09:35-09:45 Discussion
09:45-10:25 Tobias Zinner
Florian Ewald
Christoph Knote
IcePolCKa Investigation of the initiation of convection and the evolution of precipitation using simulations and polarimetric radar observations at C- and Ka-band Gregor Köcher
09:45-10:00 PostDoc (LMU): Gregor Köcher
10:00-10:15 PhD (DLR): Christian Heske and PI (DLR): Florian Ewald (online)
10:15-10:25 Discussion
10:25-10:45 Short Break
10:45-11:40 Silke Trömel
Clemens Simmer
Ulrich Blahak
Operation Hydrometeors An efficient volume scan polarimetric radar forward operator to improve the representation of hydrometeors in the COSMO model Kobra Khosravian
Julian Steinheuer
Velibor Pejcic
10:45-11:00 PostDocs (DWD): Kobra Khosravian, Phase 2
11:00-11:15 PostDoc (Uni Bonn): Julian Steinheuer, Phase 2
11:15-11:30 PhD (Uni Bonn): Velibor Pejcic
11:30-11:40 Discussion
11:40-12:05 Johannes Quaas
Silke Trömel
PARA Climate model parameterizations informed by radar Tobias Scharbach
11:40-11:55 PhD (Uni Bonn): Tobias Scharbach
11:55-12:05 Discussion
12:05-12:30 Stefano Turso
Thomas Bertuch
Clemens Simmer
Silke Trömel
WRAD A Low-cost Mechanically-Steered Phased-Array Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar
12:05-12:20 Fraunhofer (FHR): Stefano Turso
12:20-12:30 Discussion
12:30-13:45 Joint Pizza- and Salad-Lunch in the LIM
13:45-14:25 Heike Kalesse-Los
Maximilian Maahn
CORSIPP Characterisation of orographically influenced riming and secondary ice production and their effects on precipitation rates by radar polarimetry and Doppler spectra Anton Kötsche and Veronika Ettrichrätz
13:45-14:00 PhD (Uni Leipzig): Anton Kötsche
14:00-14:15 PostDoc (Uni Leipzig): Veronika Ettrichrätz
14:15-14:25 Discussion
14:25-15:05 Davide Ori
Ulrich Blahak
PRISTINE Polarimetric Radar simulations with realistic Ice and Snow properties and mulTIfrequeNcy consistency Evaluation Soumi Dutta
Jana Mendrok
14:25-14:40 PostDoc (Uni Köln): Soumi Dutta
14:40-14:55 PostDoc (DWD): Jana Mendrok
14:55-15:05 Discussion
15:05-15:25 Short Break
15:25-16:40 Breakout Session I: Exchange with invited guests from Météo-France
16:40-16:50 Short Break
16:50-18:05 Breakout Session II: Follow-up proposal on Data Assimilation
Friday, 26 July 2024
08:30-09:15 Overall discussion Wrap-up of breakout sessions, organization of joint conference PrePEP 2025, and next steps
09:15-09:35 Comprehensive PROM-cooperations and publications
09:35-10:15 Heike Kalesse-Los
Patric Seifert
Johannes Quaas
PICNICC Polarimetry Influenced by CCN aNd INP in Cyprus and Chile Teresa Vogl
09:35-09:50 PhD (Uni Leipzig): Teresa Vogl
09:50-10:05 Teresa Vogl will also present the TROPOS-part
10:05-10:15 Discussion
10:15-10:45 Short Break
10:45-11:25 Stefan Kneifel
Michael Frech
POMODORI Combining radar polarimetry, weather forecast model outputs, and Doppler radar observations for riming analysis Paul Ockenfuß
Mathias Gergely
10:45-11:00 PhD (LMU): Paul Ockenfuß
11:00-11:15 PostDoc (DWD): Mathias Gergely
11:15-11:25 Discussion
11:25-12:05 Patric Seifert
Fabian Senf
PolarCAP Polarimetric Radar Signatures of Ice Formation Pathways from Controlled Aerosol Perturbations Kevin Ohneiser
Willi Schimmel
11:25-11:40 PostDoc (TROPOS): Kevin Ohneiser
11:40-11:55 PostDoc (TROPOS): Willi Schimmel
11:55-12:05 Discussion
End of the meeting
2023 Meetings

The SPP PROM all-hands meeting took place from July 17-19, 2023. Location: Düsternbrooker Weg 2, 24105 Kiel, Seeburg. Below is the schedule of events.

Monday, 17 July 2023
14:15-14:30 Welcome
14:30-15:10 Heike Kalesse-Los
Patric Seifert
Johannes Quaas
PICNICC Polarimetry Influenced by CCN and INP in Cyprus and Chile PICNICC Teresa Vogl
14:30-14:45 PhD (TROPOS): Audrey Teisseire
14:45-15:00 PhD (Uni Leipzig): Teresa Vogl (or Heike Kalesse-Los)
15:00-15:10 Discussion
15:10-15:50 Silke Trömel
Clemens Simmer
Ulrich Blahak
Operation Hydrometeors An efficient volume scan polarimetric radar forward operator to improve the representation of HYDROMETEORS in the COSMO model Operation Hydrometeors Mendrok, Khosravian
Operation Hydrometeors Pejcic
Operation Hydrometeors Steinheuer
15:10-15:25 PostDocs (DWD): Mendrok, Phase 1, K. Khosravian, Phase 2
15:25-15:40 PhD/PostDoc (Uni Bonn): V. Pejcic, Phase 1, J. Steinheuer, Phase 2
15:40-15:50 Discussion
15:50-16:35 Short Break
16:35-17:00 Michael Frech HydroColumn A seamless column of the precipitation process from mixed-phase clouds employing data from a polarimetric C-band radar, a microrain radar, and disdrometers HydroColumn Gergely
16:35-16:50 PostDoc (DWD): Mathias Gergely
16:50-17:00 Discussion
17:00-17:25 Stefan Kneifel
Axel Seifert
IMPRINT Understanding ice microphysical processes using multi-frequency radar polarimetry and super-particle modeling IMPRINT Leonie v. Terzi
17:00-17:15 PhD (Uni Köln), now PostDoc (LMU): Leonie v. Terzi, Phase 1
17:15-17:25 Discussion
17:25-17:50 Stefano Turso
Thomas Bertuch
Clemens Simmer
Silke Trömel
WRAD A Low-cost Mechanically-Steered Phased-Array Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar
17:25-17:40 Fraunhofer (FHR): Stefano Turso
17:40-17:50 Discussion
17:50-18:15 Alexander Ryzhkov Radar microphysical retrievals Climatology of the vertical profiles of microphysical variables in different weather systems NOAA Ryzhkov
17:50-18:05 Alexander Ryzhkov (NOAA)
18:05-18:15 Discussion
From 19:00 Joint dinner in Kiel
Tuesday, 18 July 2023
09:00-09:25 Jacob Carlin Synergistic use of radar data Improving weather nowcasting NOAA Carlin
09:00-09:15 Presentation
09:15-09:25 Discussion
09:25-09:50 Silke Trömel
Clemens Simmer
Christiane Voigt
POLICE Polarimetric signatures of ice microphysical processes and their interpretation using in-situ observations and cloud modeling POLICE Blanke
09:25-09:40 PhD (Uni Bonn): Armin Blanke (online)
09:40-09:50 Discussion
09:50-10:30 Tobias Zinner
Florian Ewald
Christoph Knote
IcePolCKa Investigation of the initiation of convection and the evolution of precipitation using simulations and polarimetric radar observations at C- and Ka-band IcePolCKa Heske
IcePolCKa Koecher
09:50-10:05 PhD (LMU): Gregor Köcher
10:05-10:20 PhD (DLR): Christian Heske
10:20-10:30 Discussion
10:30-11:15 Short Break
11:15-11:40 Johannes Quaas
Silke Trömel
PARA Climate model parameterizations informed by radar PARA Tobias Scharbach
11:15-11:30 PhD (Uni Bonn): Tobias Scharbach
11:30-11:40 Discussion
11:40-12:20 Patric Seifert
Oswald Knoth
SPOCC Spectrally resolved Polarimetric Observation and Computation of Clouds SPOCC Lee
SPOCC Hajipour
11:40-11:55 PhD (TROPOS): Junghwa Lee (or Patric Seifert)
11:55-12:10 PhD (TROPOS): Majid Hajipour (or Patric Seifert)
12:10-12:20 Discussion
12:20-13:00 Heike Kalesse-Los
Maximilian Maahn
CORSIPP Characterisation of orographically influenced riming and secondary ice production and their effects on precipitation rates by radar polarimetry and Doppler spectra CORSIPP Ettrichrätz, Kötsche
12:20-12:35 PhD (Uni Leipzig): Anton Kötsche
12:35-12:50 PostDoc (Uni Leipzig): Veronika Ettrichrätz
12:50-13:00 Discussion
13:00-14:50 Lunch Break Kiel Fjord and walking transfer to Pier “Seegarten”
14:50-15:50 Boat Cruise Departure 15:05, from Pier “Seegarten” to Laboe with individual sightseeing in Laboe afterwards
From 17:30 Individual Dinner Laboe and transfer back to Kiel
Wednesday, 19 July 2023
08:30-09:15 Overall discussion Organization of joint conference and next steps
09:15-10:10 Miklós Szakall
Stefan Kneifel
Axel Seifert
FRAGILE Exploring the role of fragmentation of ice particles FRAGILE von Terzi
09:15-09:30 PostDoc (LMU): Leonie v. Terzi
09:30-09:45 PhD Student (Uni Mainz): Sudha Yadav
09:45-10:00 Scientist (DWD): Simone Wald
10:00-10:10 Discussion
10:10-10:50 Davide Ori
Ulrich Blahak
PRISTINE Polarimetric Radar simulations with realistic ice and snow properties PRISTINE Dutta
10:10-10:25 PostDoc (Uni Köln): Soumi Dutta
10:25-10:40 PostDoc (DWD): Jana Mendrok
10:40-10:50 Discussion
10:50-11:20 Short Break
11:20-12:00 Stefan Kneifel
Michael Frech
POMODORI Combining radar polarimetry, weather forecast model outputs and Doppler radar observations for riming analysis Pomodori Gergely, Ockenfuss
11:20-11:35 PhD (LMU): Paul Ockenfuss
11:35-11:50 PostDoc (DWD): Mathias Gergely
11:50-12:00 Discussion
12:00-12:45 Patric Seifert
Fabian Senf
PolarCAP Polarimetric radar signatures of ice formation pathways from controlled aerosol perturbations PolarCAP Ohneiser
PolarCAP Schimmel
12:00-12:15 PostDoc (TROPOS): Kevin Ohneiser
12:15-12:30 PostDoc (TROPOS): Willi Schimmel
12:30-12:35 Status COSMO-SPECS Model by Roland Schrödner
12:35-12:45 Discussion
End of the meeting
2019 Meetings

The SPP PROM Meeting took place in Bonn on October 23-24, 2019. Presentations can be downloaded below.

Wed 1:30-2:00 pm Heike Kalesse
Patrick Seifert
Johannes Quaas
Teresa Vogl
Audrey Teisseire
Polarimetry Influenced by CCN and INP in Cyprus and Chile (PICCNICC):
An assessment of hemispheric cloud polarimetry contrasts
and its relation to differences in aerosol load
Wed 2:00-2:15 pm Axel Seifert
Tijana Janijic
Daniel Klocke
Yuefei Zeng Representing model error and observation error uncertainty
for data assimilation of polarimetric radar measurements
Representing model error and observation
Wed 2:15-2:45 pm Stefan Kneifel
Axel Seifert
Leonie von Terzi
Jan-Niklas Welss
Understanding ice microphysical processes using
multi-frequency radar polarimetry and
super-particle modeling (IMPRINT)
Wed 2:45-3:15 pm Ulrich Blahak
Silke Trömel
Clemens Simmer
Jana Mendrok
Velibor Pejcic
An efficient volume scan polarimetric radar forward OPERAtor
to improve the representation of HYDROMETEORS
in the COSMO model (Operation Hydrometeors)
Hydrometeors Mendrok
Hydrometeors Pejcic
Wed 3:15-3:30 pm Kathleen Helmert Hella Riede Web-based radar data portal for the access
of archived radar data
Data Portal
Wed 4:15-4:45 pm Alexander Ryzhkov Alexander Ryzhkov Microphysical and thermodynamic retrievals
using polarimetric radars
Wed 4:45-5:15 pm Silke Trömel
Clemens Simmer
Christiane Voigt
Manuel Moser
Andrew Lowry
Polarimetric signatures of ice microphysical processes
and their interpretation using in-situ observations
and cloud modeling (POLICE)
Thu 9:00-9:15 am Andrew Barrett Andrew Barrett Evaluating and Improving Convection-Permitting Simulations
of the Life Cycle of Convective Storms using Polarimetric Radar Data
Thu 9:15-9:45 am Martin Hagen
Tobias Zinner
Gregor Möller
Eleni Tetoni
Investigation of the initiation of convection
and the evolution of precipitation using simulations
and polarimetric radar observations at C- and Ka-band (IcePolCKa)
IcePolCKa Möller
IcePolCKa Tetoni
Thu 9:45-10:15 am Patrick Seifert
Oswald Knoth
Junghwa Lee
Majid Hajipour
Spectrally resolved Polarimetric Observations
and Computation of Clouds (SPOCC):
Toward the retrieval of hydrometeor ratios
during onset of precipitation
Thu 10:15-10:30 am Stefano Turso Stefano Turso A Low-cost Mechanically-Steered
Phased-Array Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar
Thu 10:30-11:00 am Silke Trömel
Clemens Simmer
Johannes Quaas
Sabine Hörnig
Nikolaos Papaevangelou
Climate model PArametrizations informed by RAdar (PARA) PARA
Thu 11:45-12:00 am Michael Frech Mathias Gergely A seamless profile of the precipitation process
of mixed-phased clouds employing data
from a polarimetric C-band radar, a microrain radar (MRR)
and disdrometers
Thu 12:00-12:15 pm Prabhakar Shrestha Prabhakar Shrestha Investigating the impact of Land-use and land-cover change
on Aerosol-Cloud-precipitation interactions
using Polarimetric Radar retrievals (ILACPR)
2018 Meetings

The SPP PROM Kickoff Meeting took place in Bonn on October 17-18, 2018. Presentations can be downloaded below.

Wed 1:00-1:30 pm Heike Kalesse
Patrick Seifert
Polarimetry Influenced by CCN and INP in Cyprus and Chile (PICCNICC):
An assessment of hemispheric cloud polarimetry contrasts
and its relation to differences in aerosol load
Wed 1:30-2:00 pm Axel Seifert
Tijana Janijic
Representing model error and observation error uncertainty
for data assimilation of polarimetric radar measurements
Wed 2:00-2:30 pm Stefan Kneifel
Axel Seifert
Understanding ice microphysical processes using
multi-frequency radar polarimetry and
super-particle modeling (IMPRINT)
Wed 2:30-3:00 pm Ulrich Blahak
Silke Trömel
An efficient volume scan polarimetric radar forward OPERAtor
to improve the representation of HYDROMETEORS
in the COSMO model (Operation Hydrometeors)
Wed 3:00-3:30 pm Alexander Khain Possible contributions from the models
with bin microphysics to the project
Wed 4:15-4:30 pm Michael Frech A seamless profile of the precipitation process
of mixed-phased clouds employing data
from a polarimetric C-band radar, a microrain radar (MRR)
and disdrometers
Wed 4:30-5:00 pm Tobias Zinner
Christoph Knote
Martin Hagen
Investigation of the initiation of convection
and the evolution of precipitation using simulations
and polarimetric radar observations at C- and Ka-band (IcePolCKa)
IcePolCKa 1
IcePolCKa 2
Wed 5:00-5:30 pm Yvonne Boose
Silke Trömel
Polarimetric signatures of ice microphysical processes
and their interpretation using in-situ observations
and cloud modeling (POLICE)
Thu 9:00-9:15 am Prabhakar Shrestha
Investigating the impact of Land-use and land-cover change
on Aerosol-Cloud-precipitation interactions
using Polarimetric Radar retrievals (ILACPR)
Thu 9:15-9:30 am Andrew Barrett Evaluating and Improving Convection-Permitting Simulations
of the Life Cycle of Convective Storms using Polarimetric Radar Data
Thu 9:30-10:00 am Alexander Ryzhkov Microphysical and thermodynamic retrievals
using polarimetric radars
Thu 10:30-11:00 am Patrick Seifert
Oswald Knoth
Spectrally resolved Polarimetric Observations
and Computation of Clouds (SPOCC):
Toward the retrieval of hydrometeor ratios
during onset of precipitation
Thu 11:30-11:45 am Stefano Turso A Low-cost Mechanically-Steered
Phased-Array Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar
Weather Radar
Thu 11:45-12:15 am Silke Trömel
Sabine Hörnig
Climate model PArametrizations informed by RAdar (PARA) PARA
2020 Meetings

The SPP PROM All-hands Meeting took place on October 15-16, 2020. Location: Zoom. Below is the schedule of events.


9:00-9:10 am Welcome
9:10-9:30 am PICCNICC Heike Kalesse, Patric Seifert, Johannes Quaas Polarimetry Influenced by CCN and INP in Cyprus and Chile:
An assessment of hemispheric cloud polarimetry contrasts
and its relation to differences in aerosol load
PhD: Teresa Vogl, Audrey Teisseire
9:30-9:50 am REDPOL Tijana Janjic Pfander, Axel Seifert, Daniel Klocke Representing model error and observation error uncertainty
for data assimilation of polarimetric radar measurements
PostDoc: Yuefei Zeng
PhD student: Florian Semrau
9:50-10:10 am Discussions
10:10-10:30 am Break
10:30-10:50 am IMPRINT Stefan Kneifel, Axel Seifert Understanding ice microphysical processes using
multi-frequency radar polarimetry and super-particle modeling
PhD: Leonie von Terzi, Jan-Niklas Welss
10:50-11:10 am POLICE Silke Trömel, Clemens Simmer, Christiane Voigt Polarimetric signatures of ice microphysical processes
and their interpretation using in-situ observations
and cloud modeling
PhD: Manuel Moser, Armin Blanke
11:10-11:20 am Data Portal Kathleen Helmert Web-based radar data portal for the access
of archived radar data
PostDoc: Hella Riede
11:20-11:50 am Discussions
11:50-1:00 pm Lunch break
1:00-1:20 pm Operation Hydrometeors Silke Trömel, Clemens Simmer, Ulrich Blahak An efficient volume scan polarimetric radar forward operator
to improve the representation of hydrometeors
in the COSMO model
PhD: Jana Mendrok, Velibor Pejcic
1:20-1:40 pm Discussions


9:00-9:10 am Convective Storms Andrew Barrett Evaluating and Improving Convection-Permitting Simulations
of the Life Cycle of Convective Storms using
Polarimetric Radar Data
9:10-9:30 am IcePolCKa Martin Hagen, Tobias Zinner Investigation of the initiation of convection
and the evolution of precipitation using simulations
and polarimetric radar observations
at C- and Ka-band
PhD: Gregor Müller, Eleni Tetoni
9:30-9:50 am SPOCC Patric Seifert, Oswald Knoth Spectrally resolved Polarimetric Observation
and Computation of Clouds:
Toward the retrieval of hydrometeor ratios
during onset of precipitation
PhD: Fabian Senf, Majid Hajipour
9:50-10:10 am Discussions
10:10-10:30 am Break
10:30-10:40 am Weather Radar Stefano Turso A Low-cost Mechanically-Steered
Phased-Array Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar
10:40-11:00 am PARA Johannes Quaas, Silke Trömel Climate model PArameterizations
informed by RAdar
PhD: Sabine Hörnig, Nikolaos Papaevangelou
11:00-11:10 am MRR Michael Frech A seamless profile of the precipitation process
of mixed-phased clouds employing data
from a polarimetric C-band radar,
a microrain radar (MRR) and disdrometers
PostDoc: Mathias Gergely
11:10-11:20 am ILACPR Prabhakar Shrestha Investigating the impact of Land-use and land-cover change
on Aerosol-Cloud-precipitation interactions
using Polarimetric Radar retrievals
11:20-11:50 am Discussions
11:50-1:00 pm Lunch Break
1:00-3:00 pm Breakout sessions Different Zoom rooms for topics like Forward Operator, outreach,
BAMS Paper, joint work/collaborations/interactions,
ICON cloud/precipitation processes assessed

End of the meeting

2021 Meetings

The PROM Phase 2 Planning-Meeting took place on March 29, 2021. Location: Zoom. Below is the schedule of events.

9:00-9:10 am Opening Silke Trömel: opening and addressing
overarching issues
9:10-9:20 am POMODORI Michael Frech, Stefan Kneifel Combining radar POlarimetry, weather forecast MOdel
outputs and DOppler radar observations for
RIming analysis
9:20-9:30 am PARA-Pluie Johannes Quaas, Silke Trömel PARA-Pluie
9:40-9:50 am PRISTINE Davide Ori, Ulrich Blahak Polarimetric Radar simulations with realistic Ice
and Snow properties and mulTIfrequeNcy consistency
9:50-10:00 am Riming and Secondary Ice Production Heike Kalesse, Maximilian Maahn Characterization of conditions conducive to
orography-influenced riming and secondary ice production
and their effects on precipitation rates
using radar polarimetry and Doppler spectra
10:00-10:10 am ILCAPR 2 Prabhakar Shrestha ILCAPR 2
10:20-10:30 am Operation Hydrometeors 2 Ulrich Blahak, Silke Trömel Operation Hydrometeors 2
10:30-10:40 am Precipitation Processes Andrew Barrett Pathways of microPhysical Processes Producing
Precipitation at Particular Points (Piggybacking, P3
and Polarimetry)
10:40-10:50 am Polarimetric Data Assimilation Tijana Janjic, Axel Seifert Towards the assimilation of polarimetric radar
data in convection-permitting models
11:20-11:30 am IcePolCKa - Phase 2 Florian Ewald, Tobias Zinner Storm evolution and partitioning of stratiform and
convective precipitation observed by
polarimetric C- and Ka-band radars
11:30-11:40 am PolarCAP Patric Seifert, Fabian Senf Polarimetric Radar Signatures of Ice Formation
Pathways from Controlled Aerosol Perturbations
11:40-11:50 am Ice Particle Fragmentation Axel Seifert, Miklos Szakall, Stefan Kneifel Characterization of ice particle fragmentation
with a combination of laboratory experiments,
super-particle modeling, and polarimetric radar
11:50-12:00 am Weather Radar - Phase 2 Stefano Turso, Thomas Bertuch, Clemens Simmer, Silke Trömel A Low-cost Mechanically-Steered
Phased-Array Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar,
Phase 2
1:00-2:00 pm Discussions Discussions if needed

End of the meeting

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  • Last modified: 2024/09/05 20:05
  • by ayush